Wishbone: No, not at all. CG is great, if done well. This is not done well.
Klumpen0815: I think it's done well, real actors just don't fit in the style of the Warcraft universe and wouldn't fit in Diablo or Starcraft either.
Really some human characters look realistc than cartoony lookings like Nova, Jim, Kerrigan, etc.
As for Diablo I mean seriously have you not seen the Diablo 3 cinematics?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDerwu6x40o Breja: I can't begin to understand how anyone can say this is done well. Even in the scenes without live actors it looks bad. Even in still frames it's not very good but in motion it's just terribly fake. I'd point at the orc baby scene as the worst example, almost
arnold-baby from Junior terrible, but really every scene with the orcs in motion is cringe worthy.
If this was all animated, with no live action, it would be better, it wouldn't clash so bad, but it still would not look like something worthy of a big screen blockbuster in 2016. And to all who say "it has to be CG, the Warcraft orcs could not be done any other way" I have only four words to say.
Ron Perlman in Hellboy. Things like that can be done. They can look good. And they still look good ten years later.
Yeah good luck getting at least 10 good actors who are as tall as trees and as beefy as the Hulk and is willing to talk with those LARGE Tusks in their mouths without sounding dumb :P
And what about the large army of orcs scenes?