Braussie: I find it easier if you do a series of giveaways instead of just one. Personally, it's a lot easier sort entries for doing a giveaway for 1 game at a time. (though I did just break this rule). I also think it's more fun to see series of giveaways... like a multi-week "New Job Giveaway (week 1)" type of contest. That'll also spread the giveaway over time, and not have you spend that much at once. But then again, it's up to you.
Another option, is to get a bunch of the indie game bundles for giveaways. Though people are more likely to afford them, you can give a person 3-6 steam games for $1, $5, or anywhere in between. Or you can do the generic "winner gets a $5.99 game".
... And congrats on the job! Welcome to the community! Glad to have you here!
Hmm.. I do like the idea of a multi-week giveaway. I don't have a steam account and I don't know much about how that works. I will most likely be sticking with GOG games as i'm ignorant to other distributors. Hahah
Thanks for so many great ideas, I'll definitely be marinating on them a little bit.
It's been a great time here, and I'm glad to be so welcomed! :)
But really, It's you guys who make it so great as it is. You guys are awesome! So thank YOU!