Posted February 09, 2014

PS2 (1st or 2nd gen)
Sega Dreamcast
Gamecube w/ gameboy advanced attachment
Atari Flashback
... And a bunch of games...
Final Fantasy 7, 8, 9, X,
Super Mario RPG (SNES)
Wing Commander (SNES)
Legend of Legaia
Legend of Dragoon
... and a ton more
He was poor and was gonna come 2000 miles for my wedding, so I told him to try and sell the stuff to put towards a ticket or gas to get him out there.

... On a different note, I was able to snag the argonauts and overlord bundle off of tremor games. I've been trying to save up for one game on there, but it's just under 6k points. Now I'm back to 3,400. I've played the hades out of Rise of the Argonauts so far though :) Was exactly what I wanted to play!
Post edited February 09, 2014 by niniendowarrior