Potzato: I have yet to know who that is ;-)
jefequeso: Director of Pacific Rim, Blade II, Hellboy, Pan's Labyrinth, and a few other films. He was also going to be helping out with Silent Hills before Konami in their infinite wisdom shot it down. I guess originally he was going to be part of The Hobbit movies as well.
For some reason the internet goes ga-ga over him, but I've never really been impressed. The movies of his I've seen are just kind of meh. Good, not great.
If all you've seen of him are his Hollywood efforts I can see why you wouldn't be impressed. They are hardly a testament to his real skills. I like Hellboy II, but that's mostly for the impressive visuals. His best movies by far are Cronos, The Devil's Backbone and Pan's Labyrinth. Smart, serious, beautifull and scary. He's one of those directors who seem to work best away from big studios, franchises and overblown budgets.
The reason so many people love him so much however does not seem to be those movies (I don't even believe they are so well known), but rather his enthusiasm for all the "geeky" stuff- fantasy, comics, big robots punching things. People just seem to be rooting for a guy they see as "one of them" in the hollywood crowd, and while I may not be a big fan of his hollywood efforts, he does seem to have genuine love for things like Pacific Rim, so while I myself might not get the appeal of that movie, I can see while enthusiasts of the genre find his enthusiasm contagious and endearing.