hedwards: You're ignorance of what things...
Given you haven't seen the movie and are already attacking it, you're the only ignorant one here.
hedwards: And it's completely legitimate to point out that feminists are probably not even remotely qualified to coach people about how to be slaves.
They're not being taught how to be slaves you fucking twit. Eve Ensler is teaching
the actors what it means to be
raped and abused which she is more than qualified to do - but far be it from you to take the time to
inform yourself or speak with any
hedwards: Feminists regularly push their noses...Women are already depicted better than men are in films...
You're the only one pushing your nose into something you have no standing to talk about - whatsoever. However - we get it - you're a biased prick.
hedwards: ...perhaps choosing a film that more accurately reflects present day reality would make more sense.
Yes, damn fiction for all those metaphors. Damn Star Trek, Avatar, the Matrix and just about every other fantasy fiction for it's comments on reality. Why can't they just be about reality without all the fantasy. Gattaca should have just been a story about rich kids getting ahead in life.
hedwards: As far as feminism goes, when they start paying more attention to the negative consequences on men and start pushing for us to get some benefit rather than just having to give things up...
You poor baby, someone needs a glass of warm milk, you're
so justified in getting upset about a movie you haven't seen, ideas you don't understand and will never bother yourself to read.
Seriously just stay in whatever echo chamber made you this fucking stupid (you obviously have a fear of your bias being challenged) and don't see it, you wouldn't understand the subtext anyways.