Posted May 21, 2016

For me it looks more like protecting the rights of overreacting parents.
I don't know how it is in the USA, but seeing a naked body in a locker room
is not uncommon.
And even if....watching commercials (or TV in general) will show a kid more
sexual innuendos than that. And I don't even start with smartphones and
access to the internet.
If someone wants to hurt a you think a prohibition sign will stop him/her?
And don't forget that most of *it* happens at home...and the perpetrators are
family members.
And yeah, it happens at home because they're in easy reach.
The point is, if a little girl is accosted by a man in a woman's toilet, she can scream for help... but the way they want to change it, if the man fondles the little girl & she screams for help, the man will be lauded as very brave & the little girl will be scolded for being intolerant.
Do you understand my concern?