Build 0.0147 [+0.0147a] (2025-02-22)
- Fixed Bookmark panel bug causing the right click camera rotation to be blocked by an invisble canvas layout.
- Fixed bug causing raider ships to lose there default material when spawning in while tactical sensors override is true. This made the ship glow like a ghost ship.
- Fixed bug causing bookmarks to show up during warp when warping while tactical sensors is on.
- Fixed bug allowing bookmarks to be shown during warp animation when tactical sensors is toggled.
- Fixed refinery bug that prevented the bonus recieved from Refinery Mechanic from affecting the cycle cost properly.
- Fixed bug with station storage not remembering the sort by options when moving items into the panel.
- Fixed engine trail time bug. Options will now refresh the engine trail of the ship without having to save and reload.
- Adjusted title screen animations , lighting, and assets. Removed unused assets from the scene and cleaned up the title_screen code a bit.
** Added 5 new audio tracks to the game playlist. An additional 12 minutes with a new track fixed to the title screen. These tracks can be found on my YT channel.
- The title screen introduction music is now fixed to a single track.
** Added new faction view to the Pilot faction panel. You can now view the Faction chart showing the relations between all factions, as well as your current faction rating.
- Added new faction view mode buttons to the pilot faction panel, allowing you to switch between modes. List or Chart.
** Added new faction adjustement system.
In 147, Faction adjustments during gameplay operate a bit different. If you do a mission, or kill and NPC or do anything that would adjust your faction standing, The new system will not only adjust the rating of the target faction, but other factions will react as well.
This means if I do a mission for ALPHA, then the subfactions CIVIL, and SCIENCE will receive a bonus as well. However TEMPLE, MISSIONARY and ORTHODOX factions will not like that you are working for their sworn enemy.
If you do a mission for a sub faction like CIVIL, then the parent faction ALPHA will also receive a bonus, and the emeny factions will be slightly adjusted negatively.
Allied factions of ALPHA, (LAW and TRADE) will both receive a smaller bonus as well, but NOT the allied sub factions (FINANCIAL, COMMERCE, ENFOREMENT and JUDICIAL). No negative penalty to enemy faction allies, only the parent faction TEMPLE and it's sub factions.
This new system will still provide the ability to maintain high faction rating will all game factions, but your choices will matter more than they did before. Visit the forum for more details and numbers.
** Added new Sector Details panel onto the galaxy map **
No more flickering stats panel for the sector while mousing over Sector icons.
New Sector Stats panel can be dragged and dropped and can be moved freely around the galaxy map and no longer locked onto the right side covering other panels.
This Revamp was to introduce a scrollview panel to allow all of the sector objects to be displayed, regardless of max panel size due to screen height.
No longer does mouseover open Sector Details panel, Allowing for Drag, Drop and additional buttons on the panel.
Left click a Sector icon on the galaxy map to Set GPS as before, this will open the Sector Panel to allow for interaction.
Right click a Sector to open the Sector Panel WITHOUT setting GPS. This allows you to preview the sector without changing your GPS destination.
The Sector panel can be resized vertically.
- Added faction standing change report to the mission complete notification. You now see all faction adjustments that were applied.
- Added Warpgate AutoGPS targeting. You can now Click a warpgate from the Sector Panel, and your ship will travel to the destination sector map, approach the gate, and wait for your jump command.
If autojump is enabled, this will disable the autojump when you reach the sector with the targeted gate. This allows you to get ready to enter the sector.
- Added Structure AutoGPS targeting. You can now click on a Structure from the Sector Panel, allowing you ship to travel thru the sectors until reaching the destination sector, then approaching the targeted Structure.
- Added Bookmark AutoGPS targeting. You can now click on a Bookmark from the Sector Panel, allowing you ship to travel thru the sectors until reaching the destination sector, then approaching the Bookmark location.
- Added check to prevent docking at a station, opening map, and selecting the same station to AutoGPS target.