Tarun: The fact that you don't know that you get DoW GOTY if you had already purchased the bundle, says everything
Definitely Wakalo
rev66: I had not beaten the average price, so I didn't get the other two either.
I didn't beat the average either, but the promos were added later. When you log in, they're in your inventory.
Humblebundle always gives people all added games if they purchased any of the bundle before. It's their way of going "You may have bought the whole thing had these games been added originally" or something. I've done that with every humble bundle I've purchased (4 of them so far). :)
Edit: for clarification, I got the bundle for $1. Then they added additional games for the "beat the average" incentive. They gave me the new games even though I only paid $1. So, the only game I didn't get was Saints Row 3. Log into humble bundle and see if they have the steam codes listed for you.