Posted May 01, 2014
OldFatGuy: Yeah, I replayed Link to the Past more than any other game I've ever replayed I think. I've since placed a few titles above it on my all time favorite list, but it's still up there, as is one.
And I got started with Pong (which I still have). Then some sort of cheap Atari system in the 70's (which I don't have) and then got really serious with the Intellivision (which I still have) as that was right around the time my son was born and my excuse was I was buying all of those games for him to play. LOL
grunthos64: Only other game I love replaying alot is Castlevania Symphony of the Night. Best Metroidvania game ever, its a certain kind of sub genre that is real big on the indie game scene these days so we get plenty of them now like Cave Story and Unepic just to name a few. Terraria and Starbound are kind of metroidvania meets minecraft as well. And I got started with Pong (which I still have). Then some sort of cheap Atari system in the 70's (which I don't have) and then got really serious with the Intellivision (which I still have) as that was right around the time my son was born and my excuse was I was buying all of those games for him to play. LOL
niniendowarrior: I also tried a few Zelda games... Spirit Towers... Wind Waker... and that other Wind Waker clone on the DS. Nope and nope. Clearly I'm just not that crazy for Zelda at all.
grunthos64: Like I said, the DS Zelda games blew. Do yourself a favor and if you got a 3ds or want a Link Between Worlds.