Posted April 30, 2014

be good
Registered: Jan 2013
From Serbia

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted April 30, 2014
Wait a minute! I mention sausages and within 2 minutes I've got an ass clown on my back getting me massively derepped for making fun of Polish people. Sachys has been sitting pretty with that post for 2 hours and nothing! I quit! I give up! I'm moving to Antarctica where a man is free to mention sausages without fear of being admonished from Americans who couldn't actually find Poland on a map. :P
Sorry. Rough day. I needed to vent some silliness.
Sorry. Rough day. I needed to vent some silliness.

Registered: Feb 2013
From United States

Registered: Oct 2008
From United Kingdom

Registered: Mar 2012
From Spain

Registered: Feb 2013
From United States
Posted April 30, 2014
high rated
Schnuff Lives! ;-)
Courtesy of our missing hippo, I present some gifts...
~If you've gotten a game here recently, please give others a chance.
~Link me a hippo gift
~Actually want to play the game, otherwise leave it for someone else that really wants it
First up; Vigil: Blood Bitterness (steam)
~post here, human ;-p~
Courtesy of our missing hippo, I present some gifts...
~If you've gotten a game here recently, please give others a chance.
~Link me a hippo gift
~Actually want to play the game, otherwise leave it for someone else that really wants it
First up; Vigil: Blood Bitterness (steam)
~post here, human ;-p~

Registered: Mar 2012
From Spain

Bowl of Cherries
Registered: Jun 2013
From United States
Posted April 30, 2014
That looks kind of cool, but my backlog urges me to pass and let someone else pick this up.

Fluffy gangsta
Registered: Jun 2013
From Belgium
Posted April 30, 2014
No idea what hippo gifts are...

Registered: Dec 2010
From Israel
Posted April 30, 2014

Courtesy of our missing hippo, I present some gifts...
~If you've gotten a game here recently, please give others a chance.
~Link me a hippo gift
~Actually want to play the game, otherwise leave it for someone else that really wants it
First up; Vigil: Blood Bitterness (steam)
~post here, human ;-p~

I pity the fool!
Registered: Sep 2013
From Pakistan
Posted April 30, 2014

1) Ability to know who downrepped and uprepped a post. This in ONLY possible if we have,
2) Member profiles. I can't begin to understand why GOG, unlike all forums has no member profile. You could easily see their posting history, leave comments on their profiles (like good trader, begger, scammer etc), and, lastly,
3) A personal log available privately/publicly to each member of his rep history.
I wouldn't say the rep system is broke, just flawed and needs proper execution.

Registered: Sep 2013
From United States
Posted April 30, 2014

1) Ability to know who downrepped and uprepped a post. This in ONLY possible if we have,
2) Member profiles. I can't begin to understand why GOG, unlike all forums has no member profile. You could easily see their posting history, leave comments on their profiles (like good trader, begger, scammer etc), and, lastly,
3) A personal log available privately/publicly to each member of his rep history.
I wouldn't say the rep system is broke, just flawed and needs proper execution.

I pity the fool!
Registered: Sep 2013
From Pakistan
Posted April 30, 2014

1) Ability to know who downrepped and uprepped a post. This in ONLY possible if we have,
2) Member profiles. I can't begin to understand why GOG, unlike all forums has no member profile. You could easily see their posting history, leave comments on their profiles (like good trader, begger, scammer etc), and, lastly,
3) A personal log available privately/publicly to each member of his rep history.
I wouldn't say the rep system is broke, just flawed and needs proper execution.

Wow, no body jumping at the idea of a free game ... maybe boties are going away *fingers crossed*

~Link me a hippo gift
~Actually want to play the game, otherwise leave it for someone else that really wants it
~ wanna play it
~can't take it, sorry. couldn't resist following your orders but i won't take the game but you can have my +1
~i like pigeons
~i just found out how to post links even if you are negrepped... i is scientist
Post edited April 30, 2014 by Venhiem

Theodore Bonkers
Registered: Mar 2011
From Netherlands

I pity the fool!
Registered: Sep 2013
From Pakistan