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tinyE: Speaking of rep, EVERYONE GET AWAY FROM HOMER!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!
You only noticed this now? :p
tinyE: Speaking of rep, EVERYONE GET AWAY FROM HOMER!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!
Oh no... 666 ! Quickly everyone, kill Homer and burn his heart, lest the turnip crop be doomed !
high rated
yyahoo: tinyE is a poor example. He is an antagonist. He has gone on sprees where he posts intentionally offensive things and begs people to downrep him. He simply enjoys the attention.
xyem: Except all those reasons you gave are why tinyE is the best example. He is subject to both having his posts downrated because of their content and because someone is downrating his posts regardless of their content.

yyahoo: Regardless, I honestly interpret *both* of your examples as popularity contests. Sometimes it's an *un*popularity contest, but that's the same thing. In no way can I see any of this as harassment.
xyem: I can unravel your argument of "it's just a popularity contest" here in one simple statement. It only takes one person to not like you.

Really.. just imagine if I decided I didn't like you and felt it was okay to do it. I have the ability to downrate (and keep low-rated) every post you have made or will make on your account in a maximally efficient way... with little initial effort and no ongoing effort at all. Within 2 months, I'd have your rep in the negatives.

It isn't a popularity contest when the one person with the biggest guns wins.

yyahoo: It's a little meaningless number by your username.
xyem: Except it isn't a meaningless number because there are some people here who give it meaning. It gets used to stop people from entering groups and contests. That's a meaning. Enough people use it that GOG added it to the PM page due to the community requesting it. That's a meaning. Some people, in a trade, will demand the other person send their side of the trade first because they have low rep. That's a meaning. In most cases, people have just flat out earned that little number under their name (for the record, I'm don't feel like I'm one of them :P) and for some, that is meaning enough.

yyahoo: That number going up or going down cannot possibly be interpreted as harassment.
xyem: I've already stated that it isn't the number going down that is interpreted as harrassment. It is the abuse of the post rating system against a specific user that is the harassment.
wpegg: My friend, I feel you tipped your hand here too early. You were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off! To be more specific, your stats would be better if it were a simple stat gathering project, rather than something with an agenda.

Maybe I've misunderstood, I am quite drunk...
xyem: I don't understand why having an agenda would affect the statistics I get back from this.

I'm not looking to prove anything one way or another. Just providing a service and mentioned that if the data does point out something unusual, that I might investigate further and why.
tinyE is the best example of rep downvoting "harassment" because he frequently deserves it and asks for it??

It was my understanding that low rated posts require more than 1 vote to qualify. It can't just be one user going around downvoting a user to cause them to lose rep.

You exaggerate greatly. One person couldn't cause someone with 200+ rep to go down into the negatives. If tinyE is a good example of anything, that's it.

The users here on the forum decided to use rep as a requisite for contests etc. Obviously, it's a poor choice. Join date would be a much better stat to use. If someone is going to scam the people in this forum, they aren't going to join, wait 6 months and then join a contest to have a 1 in 100 chance to win a game or to try and rip off someone in a trade. Most of the scammers are new users who never had the time to build up any rep in the first place. Honestly, if there's a misuse of rep, it's in using it to determine trade partners. If someone really wants to scam you, they'll join, make 1 inoffensive post a day for a month or so, and then rip someone off easy. Using your member of choice, tinyE has never gotten so low that he would have been excluded from a contest or subjected to negative treatment in a trade.

Again, it's not my understanding that one user can successfully "harass" and affect someone's rep. Freedom to speak your mind and state offensive or controversial things is offset by other users being able to reply and/or downvote said user. It's part of the balancing of the system.

I'm curious though, is there anyone out there that is being "harassed" that has been affected so much that they have not been able to join contests or trade games? The most extreme example that I've seen in the past few months people have been complaining about this happening has been tinyE, and he is still in the 170s.
In step with data rep.
Count me in
yyahoo: tinyE is the best example of rep downvoting "harassment" because he frequently deserves it and asks for it??
His posts may deserve to be downrated, but he does not deserve, let alone frequently deserve, to be subject of harassment via downrating. At least not that I've seen. If you can direct me to where he has harassed someone or been malicious though, I might just change my mind.

yyahoo: It can't just be one user going around downvoting a user to cause them to lose rep.
Yes it can. It is called "having more than one account".

yyahoo: You exaggerate greatly. One person couldn't cause someone with 200+ rep to go down into the negatives. If tinyE is a good example of anything, that's it.
I am not exaggerating at all, it has been done before. The changes that GOG made since then just raised the bar to do it above the average forum-goer and made the process slower for someone like myself.

And, you know, see above. From the perspective of the problem area, 1 person with 100 accounts == 100 people.

tinyE is not a good example of this because his low-ratings get undone by people upvoting. If 2 people are making his posts low-rated, it only takes 1 to make it neutral again. If I intended on harassing him this way, the system I created would adjust as required to keep them low-rated.

Trust me, I've clearly put more thought into how to mount such an offensive seeing as you didn't even figure out that someone could just make more than one account.

yyahoo: The users here on the forum decided to use rep as a requisite for contests etc. Obviously, it's a poor choice. Join date would be a much better stat to use. If someone is going to scam the people in this forum, they aren't going to join, wait 6 months and then join a contest to have a 1 in 100 chance to win a game or to try and rip off someone in a trade. Most of the scammers are new users who never had the time to build up any rep in the first place. Honestly, if there's a misuse of rep, it's in using it to determine trade partners. If someone really wants to scam you, they'll join, make 1 inoffensive post a day for a month or so, and then rip someone off easy. Using your member of choice, tinyE has never gotten so low that he would have been excluded from a contest or subjected to negative treatment in a trade.
Because tinyE gained enough rep (possibly just due to people countering the downrating.. the system may be biased towards favouring upreps..) to be able to sustain such a manual attack. See above for why you're reasoning is wrong.

EDIT: Oh, and it is entirely possible that he countered it by making multiple accounts and uprated his posts from them. Again, it has been done before!

yyahoo: Again, it's not my understanding that one user can successfully "harass" and affect someone's rep. Freedom to speak your mind and state offensive or controversial things is offset by other users being able to reply and/or downvote said user. It's part of the balancing of the system.
See above for how you reasoning and thus conclusion are wrong.

yyahoo: I'm curious though, is there anyone out there that is being "harassed" that has been affected so much that they have not been able to join contests or trade games? The most extreme example that I've seen in the past few months people have been complaining about this happening has been tinyE, and he is still in the 170s.
No-one that we know of, but that doesn't mean there hasn't been. They may have joined the forum, said that they liked Steam and seeing their rep plummet from the harassment, thought "screw this community" and left without saying anything. Beware of Survivor Bias!
Post edited July 20, 2013 by xyem
I'll be your guinea pig for this.
why not
Roman5: why not
Where have you been? Shit man, I missed you.
Roman5: why not
tinyE: Where have you been? Shit man, I missed you.
I was on vacation for a while and aww man, I missed you too :3
I rarely join giveaways so I'm not sure if I should post here but whatever, it's an experiment so why not.
Everyone loves the Cookie Monster, so I assume that my rep is +1 every day. But count me in to prove me wrong.
Post edited July 21, 2013 by PaterAlf
RepLog just went live. Time to go to bed :)
Interesting little thread for Science. Feel free to include me, although my stats will probably be boring. We all know who will be the most interesting subjects.
Beam me up Scotty!