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Well, hopefully I can make it to V2.0 (BTW, are you sure V1.0 was a final one or it needed some tweaks?)

Anyway, sign me up for V2. And BTW, can I request my rep log?
Moonbeam: Congrats on your 1000 Vestin, nice.
Vestin: Oh wow... Thanks. I guess a giveaway is in order, though I need to find a theme for it first ;P.
Just looking good is enough:)
Sign me up for V2.0 as well
There is a V2 flying around? I'll go with it! That will be a once in a lifetime experience and it will really end with a bang!

(in plain words: sure, I'll participate in v2 as well)
Sign me up I guess?
Mentao: Well, hopefully I can make it to V2.0 (BTW, are you sure V1.0 was a final one or it needed some tweaks?)
v1 does exactly what it was intended to do so it didn't need any tweaks in itself. v2 would be just an increase in scope. I'm actually considering making it so people can set what it records of their data. For example, if you post "+S", it would record your stars and nothing else, "+R" would be rep, "+U" would be username and you could equally turn them off with -S, -R and -U if you changed your mind in the future.

Mentao: Anyway, sign me up for V2.
It'll work the same way as it does here. Posting in the v2 topic (when/if it gets created) would sign you up for v2.

Mentao: And BTW, can I request my rep log?
PM on its way.
Xyem, do you still do this? I'd like to try it too. Thanks.
Is this still active?
Klumpen0815: Is this still active?
No, sorry, it was taken down a quite a while ago.

Shucks I thought the script was still active......
Post edited July 24, 2016 by Emachine9643