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wont be "able" to or just wont be "willing" to i wonder
xyem: snip
Licurg: Why not just post the user's names and their rep variations ? I don't think anyone would mind(I wouldn't) .
I'd even go as far as saying that the users who agreed to have their rep logged in this thread would like to see a graph of the rep variations.
Licurg: Why not just post the user's names and their rep variations ? I don't think anyone would mind(I wouldn't) .
Piranjade: I'd even go as far as saying that the users who agreed to have their rep logged in this thread would like to see a graph of the rep variations.
I wouldnt mind it either way
xyem: I had already contacted GOG requesting some information as I have a suspicion of when these rep losses are occuring, but they just replied that they "won't be able to provide such information" which means I can't prove my hypothesis
Is it someone or something?

God, this is more interesting than JFK....
Aliens. It's aliens, isn't it?!
Whoever or whatever it is must have died; I haven't been derepped in two days.
tinyE: Whoever or whatever it is must have died; I haven't been derepped in two days.
It's just giving you a false sense of security, getting ready for the coup de grâce .
xyem: If you need a guideline, you should get 150-200 per hour without any automation.
JMich: My idea for a proof of concept would be to make a new wishlist entry, then start voting for it with new accounts. Even assuming half the votes were cast by other users, it should give a good estimate of how many accounts can be made in an hour to vote for something. Adding extra tabs for more posts shouldn't be that big of a problem.
Could you use these extra accounts to up vote Lucas Arts games please..... ?
JMich: My idea for a proof of concept would be to make a new wishlist entry, then start voting for it with new accounts. Even assuming half the votes were cast by other users, it should give a good estimate of how many accounts can be made in an hour to vote for something. Adding extra tabs for more posts shouldn't be that big of a problem.
011284mm: Could you use these extra accounts to up vote Lucas Arts games please..... ?
tinyE: Ummm, xyem, love you babe but that second picture isn't a replog, it's the bass tabs for "Bark at the Moon".
Giggles, your priceless.
011284mm: Could you use these extra accounts to up vote Lucas Arts games please..... ?
tinyE: +1!
I thought so.
With great power (100 accounts) comes great responsibility, and I for one would hope JMich would use his powers for the good of bringing us Lucas Arts.

I could be wrong and his is a complete ass and uses those to de-rep, but I do not think that would fit well with his usual character.
tinyE: Ummm, xyem, love you babe but that second picture isn't a replog, it's the bass tabs for "Bark at the Moon".
If someone writes an awesome song using that graph, I promise to use it as my theme song.
I don't mind being rep logged, anal probes and weird alien stuff though is a definite no go!!
reaver894: wont be "able" to or just wont be "willing" to i wonder
Not willing. The data that I asked for would be extremely easy to extract (one simple line of SQL).

In fact, if they made one tiny change to the forum source code, I would be easily able to get it myself.
RepLog was taken offline temporarily today as I shut down Jaguar with the intention of swapping a graphics card out for multiseating but a cable I need has gone walkabouts in the room moving, so that didn't happen. Doh!

I've now moved RepLog onto Donkey (who is back online, yay!) but I noticed that due to viewing the forum as a guest and requesting topic pages one-at-a-time, it takes 20-40 seconds to complete an iteration, which is way too long.

So.. expect RepLog v2 pretty soon :P