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xyem: The anonymisation can be a problem depending on how I do it. If I just change the names, people will easily be able to match up the names to who they are by their current rep. Doing a random (but consistent for the user) adjustment of the rep to throw that off might interfere with people's analysis.
amok: We are all already anonymized via virtue of using aliases. Granted over own aliases has a meaning to us and is an representation of us, as long as you do not use your own real name as alias, then you are anonym. (like I suspect SimonG's real name is not really Simon)
HA! That's what you think! Maybe it is our names!

That's right. My name is Babe Ruth. The DaCosta part of DaCostaBR is just to throw people off and the BR part is in no way an acronym to where I'm from. How about that!?
amok: We are all already anonymized via virtue of using aliases. Granted over own aliases has a meaning to us and is an representation of us, as long as you do not use your own real name as alias, then you are anonym. (like I suspect SimonG's real name is not really Simon)
DaCostaBR: HA! That's what you think! Maybe it is our names!

That's right. My name is Babe Ruth. The DaCosta part of DaCostaBR is just to throw people off and the BR part is in no way an acronym to where I'm from. How about that!?
I believe you :)
My father's boat is named "The Baby Ruth".
Speaking of rep and downreping the poster instead of the post, I am finding this very funny right now:

I don't know, maybe I should be happy GG uses Securom on Sacred 2 and my copy do not work? :)

(Please do not uprep them, I would like them to stay downreped)
amok: Speaking of rep and downreping the poster instead of the post, I am finding this very funny right now:

I don't know, maybe I should be happy GG uses Securom on Sacred 2 and my copy do not work? :)

(Please do not uprep them, I would like them to stay downreped)
Could be worse, you could have blamed the Sith.
I uprepped both of those not that it did any good. That is sad.

OOOPS, shit, I'll go back and downrep them.
Post edited July 31, 2013 by tinyE
amok: Speaking of rep and downreping the poster instead of the post, I am finding this very funny right now:

I don't know, maybe I should be happy GG uses Securom on Sacred 2 and my copy do not work? :)

(Please do not uprep them, I would like them to stay downreped)
Well, to hear some people tell it the "community" just chastised you for what is "obviously" "unacceptable" behavior. I hope you learned your lesson there and it will not be necessary to punish you further.

To me, those are just two more examples illustrating the system is problematic and should go. That seems to be a minority view though. Apparently people like doing this stuff to others, some of them like it a real lot. I see this stuff and begin to wonder if I waste too much time here now that I could probably spend better anywhere else.

I was just thinking to myself... vigilante moderation is what we have here. I guess. Of course, that kind of assumes that those moderated give a shit which probably isn't true in a lot of cases. This begs the question again, how useful is this moderation then when applied to people who are unaffected by it? And if it isn't actually useful, why do we even have it?
Post edited July 31, 2013 by dirtyharry50
dirtyharry50: I see this stuff and begin to wonder if I waste too much time here now that I could probably spend better anywhere else.
People like yourself have this option. What am I supposed to do? Get a life!? HAHAHAHAHA!
dirtyharry50: I see this stuff and begin to wonder if I waste too much time here now that I could probably spend better anywhere else.
tinyE: People like yourself have this option. What am I supposed to do? Get a life!? HAHAHAHAHA!
Don't feel bad. If I had more of a life myself I'd probably be gone already. Well, except for one thing. I have met some great people here that I really like. It is never all black or all white, you know? So I tolerate seeing a fair amount of what I consider to be bullshit and worse in favor of seeing posts by them although at this point some of them have already departed from here themselves to other places. It does not feel the same around here today as it did even two years or so ago when I happened along. I cannot really put a finger on it but it just does not feel like quite the same friendly, civil place it was. Maybe I am wrong but that is how it feels to me.
tinyE: People like yourself have this option. What am I supposed to do? Get a life!? HAHAHAHAHA!
dirtyharry50: Don't feel bad. If I had more of a life myself I'd probably be gone already. Well, except for one thing. I have met some great people here that I really like. It is never all black or all white, you know? So I tolerate seeing a fair amount of what I consider to be bullshit and worse in favor of seeing posts by them although at this point some of them have already departed from here themselves to other places. It does not feel the same around here today as it did even two years or so ago when I happened along. I cannot really put a finger on it but it just does not feel like quite the same friendly, civil place it was. Maybe I am wrong but that is how it feels to me.
I don't feel bad. I love not having a life. To quote David Spade, "Excuse me while I get back to doing whatever I want, all of the time."
amok: Speaking of rep and downreping the poster instead of the post, I am finding this very funny right now:
Well, you are a Ludo ...
amok: Speaking of rep and downreping the poster instead of the post, I am finding this very funny right now:
SimonG: Well, you are a Ludo ...
Last night when I looked at who had lost rep, I was totally unsurprised by the list of people that came up. I've just graphed when rep losses for a certain subsection of that list occured (see attachment #1) and I think there may be a pattern. For example, there is some clustering at three points (see attachment #2).

1) 2013-07-25 13:00
2) 2013-07-13 22:30
3) 2013-07-30 20:30

I had already contacted GOG requesting some information as I have a suspicion of when these rep losses are occuring, but they just replied that they "won't be able to provide such information" which means I can't prove my hypothesis.

If people would like to petition GOG to fulfill my data request on support ticket 2D6WNSY6 so I can find out the answer, that would be very much appreciated >.<
replog.png (6 Kb)
Who lost rep and why did it not surprise you?
Ummm, xyem, love you babe but that second picture isn't a replog, it's the bass tabs for "Bark at the Moon".
xyem: snip
Why not just post the user's names and their rep variations ? I don't think anyone would mind(I wouldn't) .