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low rated
Man, Xyem, what are you talking about. This is not complicated. You said a guy would make 100 accounts to downrep someone. I say thats a crazy theory, no one would waste his time like that. Then you said it already happened, which was BS. Thats all.
Namur: I'm not sure if it's really necessary though, if you were to target the same posts you already did, with a different method, and observe an impact on rep and post rating that would discard timeline as a factor.
So, for example, instead of xyem sampling a more recent set of posts a group of three or four other folks could be directed to the posts xyem has already tested, have them down rep those, and see if there's any impact on rep. If there is, then we can say that posts don't become obsolete or invalid for purposes of rep effect based on their age. Correct? I just want to make sure I'm following properly.
jamotide: Man, Xyem, what are you talking about. This is not complicated. You said a guy would make 100 accounts to downrep someone. I say thats a crazy theory, no one would waste his time like that. Then you said it already happened, which was BS. Thats all.
It doesn't have to be 100 . 5-10 with a bot can do the trick just fine.

BTW, this brought any relevant results so far ?
Licurg: BTW, this brought any relevant results so far ?
Yes, we've discovered that the Milky Way is really just a Snickers without peanuts.
tinyE: Yes, we've discovered that the Milky Way is really just a Snickers without peanuts.
HomerSimpson: So, for example, instead of xyem sampling a more recent set of posts a group of three or four other folks could be directed to the posts xyem has already tested, have them down rep those, and see if there's any impact on rep. If there is, then we can say that posts don't become obsolete or invalid for purposes of rep effect based on their age. Correct? I just want to make sure I'm following properly.
Yes, something like that.

It was just a thought, it could be relevant to test a 'fresh' batch anyway for stuff i havent' conisdered.
tinyE: Yes, we've discovered that the Milky Way is really just a Snickers without peanuts.
Which is exactly why I prefer Milky Ways. Haven't had one in years now that I think about it.
tinyE: Yes, we've discovered that the Milky Way is really just a Snickers without peanuts.
Shaolin_sKunk: Which is exactly why I prefer Milky Ways. Haven't had one in years now that I think about it.
We have them at our B&B. Sometimes.
jamotide: Man, Xyem, what are you talking about. This is not complicated. You said a guy would make 100 accounts to downrep someone. I say thats a crazy theory, no one would waste his time like that. Then you said it already happened, which was BS. Thats all.
Thank you for demonstrating how to actually dodge a question, illustrating perfectly how I did not. Good job.

Indeed, it isn't complicated.. but it would appear you struggle to understand "GameRager did it".

Also, I don't appreciate you making baseless accusations of me lying to everyone, so please stop doing that.
jamotide: Man, Xyem, what are you talking about. This is not complicated. You said a guy would make 100 accounts to downrep someone. I say thats a crazy theory, no one would waste his time like that. Then you said it already happened, which was true. Thats all.
There. Fixed that for you.

Sure, it weren't exactly 100 accounts. But nitpicking about an exact number doesn't change the fact that multiple accounts have been made before for the sole reason of manipulating both the own and other people's rep,
Licurg: It doesn't have to be 100 . 5-10 with a bot can do the trick just fine.

BTW, this brought any relevant results so far ?
I'm just starting the next stage of testing.. will be posting the results shortly.
jamotide: Man, Xyem, what are you talking about. This is not complicated. You said a guy would make 100 accounts to downrep someone. I say thats a crazy theory, no one would waste his time like that. Then you said it already happened, which was BS. Thats all.
I am not making accusations, but jamotide have you never heard of bots? Never met people who want to do nothing but cause others problems or just boost their own position in the world?
If not you are really lucky, but the rest of us - well we all know people like this exist and even worst, they appear to flourish on the internet with the ability to duplicate themselves for self satisfaction.
jamotide: Man, Xyem, what are you talking about. This is not complicated. You said a guy would make 100 accounts to downrep someone. I say thats a crazy theory, no one would waste his time like that. Then you said it already happened, which was BS. Thats all.
011284mm: I am not making accusations, but jamotide have you never heard of bots? Never met people who want to do nothing but cause others problems or just boost their own position in the world?
If not you are really lucky, but the rest of us - well we all know people like this exist and even worst, they appear to flourish on the internet with the ability to duplicate themselves for self satisfaction.
I'd also like to add that their are people who do it just for the lulz. Causing havock for no other reason than simple enjoyment.
Licurg: It doesn't have to be 100 . 5-10 with a bot can do the trick just fine.

BTW, this brought any relevant results so far ?
xyem: I'm just starting the next stage of testing.. will be posting the results shortly.
Will there be cake?
Why have I only discovered this thread now? I got no problems with my rep (yet :D), but feel free to include me as well, if you need more people :)