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xyem: Indeed, it isn't complicated.. but it would appear you struggle to understand "GameRager did it".
jamotide: No he didnt. He uprepped himself, and probably thought might as well downrep some people. Thats a huge difference from a guy making 100 accounts just to annoy someone. Which is a crazy theory.
Still continuing to dodge my question I see.

Are you trying to say that I'm wrong because it wasn't 100 accounts, because they were used for things other than downrepping some people or because they weren't initially created for that intent?

1) It wasn't 100 accounts.

As I mentioned earlier it took me mere minutes to create 10 accounts and that was creating them manually. It would take around an hour to create 100 of them that way. I've spent longer than that writing a "mutli-quote war" post (which is required for me to address your claims point-by-point..). That is not an unreasonable amount of time to spend preparing to hurt someone you don't like. It would take less than 5 minutes to make 100 using a script..

Besides, as the testing shows, 100 is a boatload more than required to actually do significant damage. Licurg was spot on with 5-10 accounts. The only reason you would need more than 5 would be if you wanted to downrate all their posts, rather than just the majority and by 10, you're well, well into diminishing returns.

2) They were used for other things.

This would be completely irrelevant. A knife still gets classed as a weapon when used as one, even if it was normally used to cut up food.

3) They weren't initially created for that intent.

Same as above, plus, how do you know they weren't? What if he created them to downrep other people and then thought "hey, may as well fix my rep"?


You are claiming that had GameRager not been downrepped but had otherwise been "singled out and attacked", he wouldn't have created multiple accounts with the intent of downrepping the people he thought were attacking him. It would appear that you have no idea what he was like back then.

By they way, I have already proven it isn't a "crazy theory" a couple of times.

1) I would have created multiple accounts to downrep yyahoo (had he had accepted my offer)
2) I have created 10 accounts to downrep Namur (with his permission)

If you wouldn't mind actually answering this question: what would you say if, right now, I created 100 accounts to downrate you with? Would you admit that you were wrong?
xyem: ....
Why use Namur or any user who actually posts for testing? I mean someone agrees with him on an unrelated posts, presses +1 without knowing about your experiment and messes up your test. Just like he got +5 from a question answered right when you did your tests.

Why not create another account and go to some unused game forum (I found one in which there hasn't been a post in about 3 months), make 10-20 posts with that account, wait a day and test away?
jamotide: You are not lying, I just think you can't admit you were wrong. Well known people with thousands of posts on a forum often have this problem when they argue with unknown people.
Wrong, wrong, absolutely wrong, brimming over with wrongability.

Read this topic again. Note the lack of difference between how I have debated with yourself, yyahoo and Namur. Who you are doesn't matter to me, if I think you're wrong, I'll debate it with you!

Hell, most of the time, I either don't know who I am replying to or forget while I am writing the reply. When I first responded to yyahoo, I thought I was responding to pigdog.
Aningan: Why not create another account and go to some unused game forum (I found one in which there hasn't been a post in about 3 months), make 10-20 posts with that account, wait a day and test away?
That is what I was planning for the "more controlled environment".
Post edited July 24, 2013 by xyem
Man you dont get it. Nobody would spend hours to make 100 accounts to shave off some pointless rep of someone. But now that you found out it only takes 10 accounts your theory rose from batshit crazy to somewhat unlikely, but certainly possible.
I am really not interested in a big Xyem style multiquote war, that is why I just ignore 90% of the unnecessary BS you write,sorry.
jamotide: Man you dont get it. Nobody would spend hours to make 100 accounts to shave off some pointless rep of someone. But now that you found out it only takes 10 accounts your theory rose from batshit crazy to somewhat unlikely, but certainly possible.
I am really not interested in a big Xyem style multiquote war, that is why I just ignore 90% of the unnecessary BS you write,sorry.
Fine.. I'll just ask the question then.

What would you say if, right now, I created 100 accounts to downrate you with? Would you admit that you were wrong?
Then I would laugh at you for wasting your time. That is my whole point, that nobody would waste his hours to affect something pointless. Not that its impossible.
low rated
jamotide: Then I would laugh at you for wasting your time. That is my whole point, that nobody would waste his hours to affect something pointless. Not that its impossible.
Stop dodging the question.

Would you admit that you are wrong?
jamotide: Then I would laugh at you for wasting your time. That is my whole point, that nobody would waste his hours to affect something pointless. Not that its impossible.
Come on. guys, cut him some slack. With all the things going on in his life, he defiantly needs a hobby to prevent a major melt-down....

Yeah sure, NOW I am wrong, if it really only takes 5 to 10 accounts, I guess someone with a real grudge might do it.
low rated
jamotide: Yeah sure, NOW I am wrong, if it really only takes 5 to 10 accounts, I guess someone with a real grudge might do it.
No, moving the fence-posts isn't going to cut it.

You've answered the question as though I asked "Would you admit you were wrong about such an attack being possible?". That isn't what I asked.

We were clearly discussing you calling "someone making 100 accounts to downrep someone" a conspiracy theory. My question clearly stated 100 accounts created with intent.

Answer the question!
Ok then NO. If you made 100 accounts right now to downrep me, you would realise what a futile excercise this would be and agree with me, so please go ahead and waste your precious hours on my pointless rep.

I have been saying this to you for days now, why do you claim I dodged this question, it is my sole point, my whole arguement. That its a crazy waste of time and therefore a crazy theory, no one would do it.
jamotide: Man you dont get it. Nobody would spend hours to make 100 accounts to shave off some pointless rep of someone. But now that you found out it only takes 10 accounts your theory rose from batshit crazy to somewhat unlikely, but certainly possible.
I am really not interested in a big Xyem style multiquote war, that is why I just ignore 90% of the unnecessary BS you write,sorry.
You know hat you are arguing that the world is flat right? This has happened before. Many, many times. Usually around Christmas when the giveaways require rep. Heck, I remember that one guy who got caught doing it, the people who found him lost five rep points a day for nearly two weeks. All from forum posts older than two weeks.

Ask any senior forum member here. Anybody with a rep over 500 and he will confirm that rep abuse by single users has happened. It might not be happening now, at this exact moment, but it is an issue that has come up at least once a month an Xyem is actually doing something. (And, incidentally, showing that he cares more about this community than obviously GOG themselves).
If its so common I don't understand why Xyem was so vague, he should have just said what you just did before me and yyahoo even laughed off his 100 account guy.
jamotide: If its so common I don't understand why Xyem was so vague, he should have just said what you just did before me and yyahoo even laughed off his 100 account guy.
I guess it is because Xyem isn't as active as others were. Even as we joined the same time, I can hardly remember any discussion with him. He was just always here doing his giveaway, an institution of GOG, but not one that pops up in every other thread like some of the other regulars here. He also doesn't bother with the controversial issues (were rep was an issue). Heck, besides the giveaways, I can only remember the bike ride he once took. (long story).

Edit: And after looking through that thread, he isn't vague, imo
Post edited July 24, 2013 by SimonG
Well in this thread us newbies only found out on the last page it is possible with only 5 to 10 accounts. Before that our basis was 100 accounts and hours of work, thats the crazy part.
Now with 5 to 10 I am not thinking the world is flat anymore.