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Licurg: Just started this day's dose of downrepping for me ;)
triock: Yeah, same for me. :p
I'm actually way up from yesterday. What the fuck is wrong with you people!? The way TheJoe makes it sound you all hate me. :D
tinyE: What the fuck is wrong with you people!?
I'd say Rod. Feel free to make of that what you will.
I'm in, if only for my glacial changes in rep to provide a dull baseline.
yyahoo: Dang! I apologize for whatever you accuse me of. You can have the last word. I don't want it. Can I leave this discussion now?
Are you going to let me try to reduce your rep into the negative so we can find out which one of us is correct? We could also find out some useful things, like how many downrates it takes for a post to become low-rated, what the maximum daily loss is.. it'll be enlightening!
IAmSinistar: I'm in, if only for my glacial changes in rep to provide a dull baseline.
OT, your avatar is way cool. What is it from?
IAmSinistar: I'm in, if only for my glacial changes in rep to provide a dull baseline.
tinyE: OT, your avatar is way cool. What is it from?
IAmSinistar: I'm in, if only for my glacial changes in rep to provide a dull baseline.
tinyE: OT, your avatar is way cool. What is it from?
To reveal the secret, consult your local arcade.

Our lad later went on to star in his own album as well.

EDIT: I heartily recommend avoiding the "remake" Sinistar Unleashed. You know how a lot of blockbuster films are actually independent scripts and the studios just tie them to a known franchise at the last minute? This games feels just like that. It may be a sincere remake for all I know, but it's pretty damn naff either way.
Post edited July 21, 2013 by IAmSinistar
yyahoo: Dang! I apologize for whatever you accuse me of. You can have the last word. I don't want it. Can I leave this discussion now?
xyem: Are you going to let me try to reduce your rep into the negative so we can find out which one of us is correct? We could also find out some useful things, like how many downrates it takes for a post to become low-rated, what the maximum daily loss is.. it'll be enlightening!
I'm sorry. I'm no longer part of this discussion. You have the last word. Enjoy it.
Thanks Xyem for actually trying to fix (or at least help fix) the issue. It tells a lot about you, more than any giveaway can, in my opinion.
yyahoo: I'm sorry. I'm no longer part of this discussion. You have the last word. Enjoy it.
I'm sorry you couldn't just admit you were wrong when I blew your argument clear out of the water.

A quick little summary of our discussion:

yyahoo: It's a popularity contest so its fine.
xyem: One person can massively effect someone's rep.
yyahoo: I don't believe one person can do that.
xyem: It has been done before using multiple accounts.
yyahoo: Conspiracy theory! Not discussing it anymore!
xyem: Can I demonstrate?
yyahoo: Not talking to you!

From here, it looks like you realised you were wrong, tried to get people to dismiss it by calling it a conspiracy theory (despite it being done before and you not even attempting to refute its plausibility) and are now refusing to even speak to me about it because if you say "Sure", I will prove you wrong and if you say "No" it'll be obvious you've realised I'm right and you do actually care about your rep.

If you claim to be able to take a baseball bat to the face with no negative effects and then refuse to let someone who thinks your full of crap hit you in the face with a baseball bat.. then yeah.. it's pretty obvious you are full of crap.

However, if someone else thinks that I am wrong about the influence one person can have over other peoples rep, or is willing to take the (temporary) hit in the name of figuring out how the rep system works, let me know and I will consider running that experiment too!
high rated
I'm sorry, Xyem, but if you believe that some people are spending hours to make 100 accounts just to shave a few points of a totally pointless number on a forum of some guy they don't know, then thats a conspiracy theory.
People who are recognizable by their poignant name or avatar and post irrlevant one liners everywhere will get hit with the minus button frequently by most people. yyahoo is right, you are wrong.
My one liners are not irrelevant. They're stupid, crass, and offensive, but NOT irrelevant!
I never saw you post offensive or crass things.
jamotide: I'm sorry, Xyem, but if you believe that some people are spending hours to make 100 accounts just to shave a few points of a totally pointless number on a forum of some guy they don't know, then thats a conspiracy theory.
Again, explain to me why it is a conspiracy theory when it has already happened.
So one crazy person did it once and he even told you, big deal. Doesn't mean its happening now.