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tinyE: official record of how much I'm pissing everyone off
TheJoe: why don't you just stop doing that so you can help this become a good community again?
I was joking. I don't piss everyone off.

Wait a minute, are you blaming me for what's wrong (if anything) with the forum?
Post edited July 20, 2013 by tinyE
tinyE: I was joking. I don't piss everyone off.
I'll take your word for it.
Oy, your poor script. Recording the rep in a thread where tinyE is present. That script will get dizzy from all the up and down! :-)
I'm not the most active poster, so my data should be bland and uninteresting...
Yay, I feel like a guinea pig. Please don't kill me at the end of the experiment!
I'll join in. Statistics are fun, yay! :-D
please use me as a test subject :)

will be interesting to see the results. Pity most of the recent threads are complete "I am am up my own arse" bullsh*t that i cannot be bothered to answer (in my most humble opinion of course).

xyem +1 good sir for your inventivness :)
yyahoo: I'm sorry. Let me rephrase. GOG does not care about rep, because it does not mean anything. It's a popularity contest. I just don't see the "harassment" angle. I've seen plenty of harassing and offensive talk that's been downrepped. Oh, but that's only harassing and offensive to my eyes. I'm sure the users that posted them just wanted to "speak their mind." That's the problem here. All this stuff you're talking about is subject to each individual's interpretation. Heck, I'm sure there are some that would call "downrepping" "speaking their mind", so you're actually attempting to do what you claim to be defending.
Let's see if I can make this clearer (he says, and then rewrites this post about 5 times).

tinyE (for example) is losing rep. There are two reasons why this could occur.

Firstly, he could be losing that rep incidentally. Perhaps a lot of his recent posts have had downratable content so as people downrate those downrate-worthy posts, he loses rep.

Secondly, he could be losing rep because someone (or some people) are trawling through his old posts and downrating all of them, regardless of their content.

The former is what you call "the popularity contest" and is acceptable because the post rating system is being used as intended. Those posts would have been downrated regardless of who posted them.

The latter is an abuse of the post rating system intended to reduce his rep.

When it goes from "it just happens to be tinyE making the downrated posts" to "we downrate these posts because they were made by tinyE".. it becomes harassment.
Post edited July 20, 2013 by xyem
high rated
Explore a vast, fantasy world at the brink of catastrophe in RepLog™, a next-generation RPG, where your choices shape and drive the experience. In this upcoming video game you’ll make your mark in an expansive, story-driven open world filled with complex characters, difficult decisions and challenging math.

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Lifthrasil: Oy, your poor script. Recording the rep in a thread where tinyE is present. That script will get dizzy from all the up and down! :-)
I know it goes up and down more than a french mistress's pants
Namur: Explore a vast, fantasy world at the brink of catastrophe in RepLog™, a next-generation RPG, where your choices shape and drive the experience. In this upcoming video game you’ll make your mark in an expansive, story-driven open world filled with complex characters, difficult decisions and challenging math.

A cataclysmic event has plunged the land of Gogalia into turmoil. Corruption now darkens the sky, casting a shadow of terror over a once peaceful continent. Armies of sock puppets have broken into an all out war against the rep of all peaceful inhabitants of the land. It falls to you to restore order as you lead the armies of rephteousness and hunt down the agents of chaos - your choices will forever change Gogalia.

RepLog™ - coming to you this fall on PC.

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I smell a Kickstarter project.....
I'm in!