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Will this mean we finally get the answer to the ultimate question?
Reporting in.
I'm in if I can haz cookys.
thanks xyem!
high rated
pigdog: I don't mean to be pedantic (which is normally a warning that I'm going to do just that) but I assume the user who downreps isn't going to be highlighted by the search. Therefore, won't this thread just serve as a place to downrep for the sake of it rather than to establish some meaningful results?

Am I over-analysing (again)?
xyem: That's neither pedantic nor over-analysing.

No, this won't reveal who is doing it, but it may reveal who they are doing it to and provide us with solid evidence to present to GOG to get them to investigate.
Solid evidence to investigate? Seriously? GOG doesn't need evidence. They just don't care, for the same reason there's little to no modding going on in the forums. They like it that way. Honestly, so do I. If this place started getting modded the way so many other forums are (and the way some of you apparently desire), I wouldn't want to be here. I'm not sure you would either. A lot of the people who get downrepped, would simply be modded out of existence instead. You can't have your cake and eat it too. This system is so much preferable to the alternate. I can't be the only one that sees this...
This might be interesting. I don't post much, and rarely post anything people seem to find rep-worthy, so count me in.
yyahoo: Solid evidence to investigate? Seriously? GOG doesn't need evidence. They just don't care, for the same reason there's little to no modding going on in the forums. They like it that way. Honestly, so do I. If this place started getting modded the way so many other forums are (and the way some of you apparently desire), I wouldn't want to be here. I'm not sure you would either. A lot of the people who get downrepped, would simply be modded out of existence instead. You can't have your cake and eat it too. This system is so much preferable to the alternate. I can't be the only one that sees this...
GOG clearly do care because they censor topic titles, lock threads and have banned people from the forum in the past.

They are not lax because they don't care, they are lax because they can be. On the whole, we're a civil group, even to those we may vehemently disagree with. This means we don't need much oversight. Sometimes discussions get a little heated and most of the time, we resolve it amongst ourselves or in a bad case a member of GOG staff steps in and asks people to take it down a notch before it gets out of hand. I'm not sure if they are watching, just happen to see or if someone reports it.. but they demonstrably care.

And they have to care if they want to have a forum where lax moderation works well enough. If they allowed users to harass other users, (even more) good members would leave the forums. We'd go from a forum where the complaint of the day is "There are too many giveaways" to one where the only people with decent rep are those that can't speak their mind or tell a joke for fear of invoking the wrath of the downreppers or have their little clique uprating every post.

So no, I don't want the GOG forums to be moderated like other forums. Especially because if it was I would have been banned ages ago but I think it is worth finding out if these derep crusades have a significant effect and if so, be able to present solid evidence so GOG can investigate whether they need to change the system or just identify those abusing it and remove their ability to rate posts..

Anyways, I should be setting this thing up, not posting :)
high rated
yyahoo: Solid evidence to investigate? Seriously? GOG doesn't need evidence. They just don't care, for the same reason there's little to no modding going on in the forums. They like it that way. Honestly, so do I. If this place started getting modded the way so many other forums are (and the way some of you apparently desire), I wouldn't want to be here. I'm not sure you would either. A lot of the people who get downrepped, would simply be modded out of existence instead. You can't have your cake and eat it too. This system is so much preferable to the alternate. I can't be the only one that sees this...
xyem: GOG clearly do care because they censor topic titles, lock threads and have banned people from the forum in the past.

They are not lax because they don't care, they are lax because they can be. On the whole, we're a civil group, even to those we may vehemently disagree with. This means we don't need much oversight. Sometimes discussions get a little heated and most of the time, we resolve it amongst ourselves or in a bad case a member of GOG staff steps in and asks people to take it down a notch before it gets out of hand. I'm not sure if they are watching, just happen to see or if someone reports it.. but they demonstrably care.

And they have to care if they want to have a forum where lax moderation works well enough. If they allowed users to harass other users, (even more) good members would leave the forums. We'd go from a forum where the complaint of the day is "There are too many giveaways" to one where the only people with decent rep are those that can't speak their mind or tell a joke for fear of invoking the wrath of the downreppers or have their little clique uprating every post.

So no, I don't want the GOG forums to be moderated like other forums. Especially because if it was I would have been banned ages ago but I think it is worth finding out if these derep crusades have a significant effect and if so, be able to present solid evidence so GOG can investigate whether they need to change the system or just identify those abusing it and remove their ability to rate posts..

Anyways, I should be setting this thing up, not posting :)
I'm sorry. Let me rephrase. GOG does not care about rep, because it does not mean anything. It's a popularity contest. I just don't see the "harassment" angle. I've seen plenty of harassing and offensive talk that's been downrepped. Oh, but that's only harassing and offensive to my eyes. I'm sure the users that posted them just wanted to "speak their mind." That's the problem here. All this stuff you're talking about is subject to each individual's interpretation. Heck, I'm sure there are some that would call "downrepping" "speaking their mind", so you're actually attempting to do what you claim to be defending.

Oh well, all of these arguments have been made a million times over in the million *other* rep threads. I'm not sure why I even posted. Carry on...
Post edited July 20, 2013 by yyahoo
I am abstaining from this experiment.

Oh, wait.....
I don't mind being a test subject.
Meow, i feel like a test rabbit
djranis: Meow, i feel like a test rabbit
Pardon me for asking but what kind of a screwed up rabbit meows?
tinyE: official record of how much I'm pissing everyone off
why don't you just stop doing that so you can help this become a good community again?