ConsulCaesar: Good call! I don't have anything against animals (well, my longsword), but should any undead appear, I can cast Turn Undead. Other than that, I have heal and cure disease in case anyone gets injured.
Siegfried the Human Paladin
Thanks. :-) I was wondering, if my choice of spells would actually be helpful, now I'm confident it might.
I also have "Heal". I also have "Protection From Elements" and "Comprehend Languages" among others. Good to know we have something for Undead as well. Does "Turn Undead" mean it fights
for/with us then, or what?
Lemon_Curry: Cheers, mate. It's much appreciated. :)
:-) We Haflings got to stick together, don't we? Especially since it's so easy for us to get overlooked.
I was worried, you might have quit the game due to all the chaos going on. Glad you didn't. :-)
So, is Shins ok with going in front with the Stone Elemental as a protector? Tanea is in the back, but keeping her eyes open for animals (due to the smell of wet fur) to potentially calm them.
Of course, she might get eaten by something coming after us through that metal grate. Who knows. The ones in the middle are probably safest for now. At the very least they might get more reaction time before they get reached. :-D
paladin181: (OOC: You guys do realize Shins has a stone golem accompanying him from one of the druids, right?)
Yes, I do. It's a "Tanea-misses-fellow-Haflings thing and now she's worried he might get killed". :-D (Yes, I'm aware, there is also Origi, but ... she isn't all that ... approachable?)