Current Actions Summary:
38 - ZyloxDragon - Roy Jenks - Half-Orc Battemage
Coughing out the smoke, and shaking his head at the ruins of one magical item, Roy will take a closer inspection at the painting he holds in his hands.
25 - BenKii - BenKii - Human Warrior
I walk inside the right room and inspect/loot the body in the corner looking for anything useful or something to identify
who he or she was while thinking to myself "Please don't be Roosevelt". I grab some hunks of flesh off the body and a few bones off the ground. I then move outside the right room just to the side of the entrance and wait to see if a mage or thief can disarm the red slab. If their attempts fail or no one tries to act against the red slab, I then tell everyone, "Everyone, move out of the room. I'm going to try and throw this bone at the glowy wall to see what it does." I then throw the bone at the red slab and hide behind the wall. If the bone goes through the slab or it disarms the trap or someone else manages to disarm it then I walk through/in the wall and inspect what is inside with shield raised ready for anything.
58 - FlockeSchnee - Tanea - Halfling Shaman
The Ice Elementals makes to move towards the main chamber to look if the rats are (still) there, but he will proably
disappear before he can actually move. EDIT: If he actually can do that before he vanishes, he will send Tanea another picture of what he sees. And of course he will know to avoid that acid trap, because Tanea thought about it when thinking about the rats and the way down to the main chamber.
Tanea looks closely at the muddy prints. Can she make out what creature left them?
EDIT2: Tanea looks a the painting/s she can see, does the scenery look familiar? (Since Web/Roy is holding the painting from the right wall, she will probably not be able to see it.)
Then Tanea turns to Web and asks incredulous "Why are you carrying that around?" And to everyone in the room: "What is it with you and these paintings? Are you even aware you were about to suffocate in here?!"
4 - sasuke12 - Strigon - Drow Necromancer
I, Strigon, Drow Necromancer, have cast the Death armour spell twice so far.
So what is the new group consensus ? Explore the two rooms and the paintings or go further into the tunnel ?
63 - Genocide2099 - Fish - Half Orc Berserker
I will also try to search for anything useful in the room. I vote for going deeper inside the right room. That hag's head will make a fine trophy.
I want that hag's head as a trophy! I'll go with the group that wants to fight her.
40 - Pouyou-pouyou - Gilius - Dwarven Druid
Once BenKii has thrown his bone on the slab, I say : "Here, let me disarm it my own way ! Stand back." Then I send my new stone elemental running as fast as possible and trying to crash into the slab to see what happens.
If nothing particular happens, I call Peloquin and ask him if he can look for traps near it. Meanwhile I search the room for anything interesting apart from the slab.
"Is anybody hurt ?"
And what about Shins ??
67 - Testor0 - Rufus - Human Cleric
While keeping an eye on the paintings, Rufus looks at the content of the left room. Is there anything on the wall that was behind the now burned painting? Anything useful to take in the room: some torches for the group? a relic? some treasure?
He grabs his findings if there isn't any risk or trap, and leaves the room.
Rufus asks: "What should we do with the two other painting? Should we take them both with us?"
As a last request (if he doesn't vanish on the current turn), Rufus asks his Guardian to go forward in the tunnel with his torch in order to clear and enlight the way.
45 - phaolo - Loradan - Elven Mage
The tunnel seemed safe for the moment, so Loradan returned to the doors.
He asked both groups if they had found anything useful, then he added:
"We should formulate an attack plan against that witch."
"She surely already recast her magical barrier, so you must not engage her until I'll dispel it."
"Also, she'll probably focus on me now, so any help would be greatly appreciated."
"If you have magic protections of any kind, you'll have to prepare it before the battle. Her spells are powerful and fatal."
"And as you witnessed, she has a supernatural strength too."
"Most importantly, are you orcs and drows willing to fight the Hag with us?"
"It would be ideal to attack her on two fronts."
57 - ConsulCaesar - Siegfried - Human Paladin
I, uhm, pick up a few bones from the ground (preferibly with some meat left) in case we find wild carnivores.
If messing with the red wall somehow brings us to the Hag, I will protect magic users while they cast their spells against the Hag, then attack the Hag when her magic barriers are down or if everything else fails. But first we need to find Roosevelt and/or the witch.
Haven't taken turn yet:
76 - Lemon_Curry - Shins A'Hoy - Halfling Thief
74 - runnerex - Yeenwi - Drow Necromancer
68 - matterbandit - Peloquin - Dwarven Thief