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BenKii: (I thought all rogues had the ability to detect traps. You might want to PM Doc to make sure can do that. I know for a fact Shins does because he detected the acid trap, the spike trap (the one that killed Rufus) and the magic ward on the right door. He also has the the ability to deactivate and reset traps.)
matterbandit: (Thanks! That's my impression too. All rogues/thieves can detect traps. You're absolutely right. I don't see why not.)
(BTW, Doc answered my PM about the left room. It looks like you were right. I was supposed to say I wanted to look inside the room. Anyways, I guess you can now as well as clear it for traps.)
Post edited October 09, 2019 by BenKii
matterbandit: (Thanks! That's my impression too. All rogues/thieves can detect traps. You're absolutely right. I don't see why not.)
BenKii: (BTW, Doc answered my PM about the left room. It looks like you were right. I was supposed to say I wanted to look inside the room. Anyways, I guess you can now as well as clear it for traps.)
(My first time playing this type of game. But I did observe that Doc appreciates as much detail as possible when posting actions. I'm surprised he's not in bed yet! I think that guy gets up at 5 am for work or something like that. >> Thanks for the heads up! I will post my action in the next hour or so.)

Edit: spelling mistakes.
Post edited October 09, 2019 by matterbandit
67 - Rufus - Healed Human Cleric

Rufus asks the Holy Guardian: "Take care of Siegfried and bring him back safe to us"

"Stay around me, I will bring some protection to us."
Avoiding the spike traps... Amulet in hand, Rufus goes between the two doors and cast a Globe of Protection around him and his partners. As an additionnal defense, he casts Divine Retaliation.

He will carefully follow the group in the left or right room.
Captain's Log Stardate 73237.6
With the Nightmares all but destroyed, I've focused my attention with what is behind the left door of the western tunnel until I heard a voice in distress. It was coming from the other door, the one with some kind of deadly barrier around it. Attempts to try and convince the others to remove the barrier and check on the well being of this unknown individual fell on deaf ears. All either knew it was a trap and wanted to ignore it, or didn't care if the person lived or died. My core values as a Starfleet Officer wants more than anything to help this person knowing full well it is most likely a trap but I'm unable to make the others help me. Loradan seems like he'll remove it but only after he knows what is inside this left door. With no means for myself to remove the barrier, I have no choice but to do as Loradan says and hope he honors his word. Otherwise, I'll have to think of something creative to open that door.

I move to the side of the left door to allow either Peloquin or Shins to inspect the left room for traps. I then follow directly behind and defend whichever thief goes into the room. While staying behind the Thief, I look around the room to get a sense of what is inside. I call for Rufus, Loradan, Fish, and Roy to follow closely behind and defend our Thief friend.
Loradan waited in the tunnel, while the others were inspecting the room.
"If there are enemies, I'll help you from here. My attacks are ranged anyway."
"In case the foes are too many, retreat immediately and I'll cast a storm on them."

FlockeSchnee: (Do you know, if one of your "Detect Secrets" included the rats? I know, I'm grasping at straws here. :-/ )
( I doubt it, they were too far from the mage.
That spell's range seems quite limited, for example it affected the doors, but not the rooms inside.)
Post edited October 10, 2019 by phaolo
Current Actions Summary:

13 - paladin181 - Roosevelt - Human Paladin

57 - ConsulCaesar - Siegfried - Human Paladin -- Knocked Out
zzzzzzzzzzzz *snores* zzzzzzzzz

45 - phaolo - Loradan - Elven Mage
Loradan turned towards BenKii, with a similar surprised face.
"I heard that.. a prisoner? Or a trap?
After you've finished exploring that room, I'll remove the ward. But be on your guard."
Loradan waited in the tunnel, while the others were inspecting the room.
"If there are enemies, I'll help you from here. My attacks are ranged anyway."
"In case the foes are too many, retreat immediately and I'll cast a storm on them."

40 - Pouyou-pouyou - Gilius - Dwarven Druid
Gilius tries to focus on the tunnel further ahead, looking for anything particular or suspect (a noise, a movement, a smell ,whatever) that could be coming from there.
Meanwhile, the stone elemental simply holds the nightmare and shows it to anyone willing to strike it. If someone does kill it, the elemental will try to grasp the last remaining nightmare in a similar way.

58 - FlockeSchnee - Tanea - Halfling Shaman
Tanea casts heal on Siegfried.
(More to be added at a later time - after I figured out what else to do, if something can be done about the things that matter to Tanea.)

74 - runnerex - Yeenwi - Drow Necromancer
Yeenwi moves a little closer to the two doors, but not close enough to negatively affect those standing right near them and ready to provide assistance, if required.

67 - Testor0 - Rufus - Human Cleric
Rufus asks the Holy Guardian: "Take care of Siegfried and bring him back safe to us"
"Stay around me, I will bring some protection to us."
Avoiding the spike traps... Amulet in hand, Rufus goes between the two doors and cast a Globe of Protection around him and his partners. As an additionnal defense, he casts Divine Retaliation.
He will carefully follow the group in the left or right room.

25 - BenKii - BenKii - Human Warrior
I move to the side of the left door to allow either Peloquin or Shins to inspect the left room for traps. I then follow directly behind and defend whichever thief goes into the room. While staying behind the Thief, I look around the room to get a sense of what is inside. I call for Rufus, Loradan, Fish, and Roy to follow closely behind and defend our Thief friend.

Haven't taken turn yet:

76 - Lemon_Curry - Shins A'Hoy - Halfling Thief
4 - sasuke12 - Strigon - Drow Necromancer
38 - ZyloxDragon - Roy Jenks - Half-Orc Battemage
63 - Genocide2099 - Fish - Half Orc Berserker
68 - matterbandit - Peloquin - Dwarven Thief
[68 - Peloquin - Dwarven Thief]

"Is someone out there? Please don't leave me here to die!" That panicked feminine voice from behind the right door caught everyone's attention. It was tempting to inspect that magic ward... Yet, my head warned me to be cautious. She may be a friend or a foe, that feminine voice. If friend, her life is probably safest behind that magic ward as most of the evil dangers seem to be lurking out here in the tunnel, where we stand! Yes, she was sobbing, but no hint of immediate danger in her voice. Friend or foe, she can wait a moment longer.

I now turned my attention towards the Human Warrior, Benkii, who had just opened the door to the room on the left. By the eager expression on his face, I was afraid that he was ready to charge right in there! Instead, he moved to the side of the door, to make way for a scouting party. Smart move. Earlier, I did announce to everyone that I was good at disarming traps, so perhaps this was my time to shine. Or die? I was under the impression that the majority wished to explore the Left Room first. But not without protection!

I follow the respectfully ressurrected Rufus to where he is and I stand next to him, somewhere between the two doors, as this Human Cleric cast a Globe of Protection around us. "What do you think? Should we move through the Left Door?" I ask him. "If so, I can scout for traps and should I detect any, I will disarm them. Will anyone else join us?" While I wait for others to take cover under Rufus's protective globe, I arm myself with my Light Hammer and I ready my Ring of Free Movement.

And then, I do something very unexpected. I don't know what came over me! I turn my head to face the right and I shout at the voice that spoke to us from behind the Magic Ward: "WHO ARE YOU? A PRISONER? A WITCH? HOW CAN WE TRUST YOU?"

High constitution. Leather armour.
1 x cure poison potion. 1 x heal potion.
Lockpicks. Trap disarm kit. Rope.
Ring of free movement - this ring means traps and spells to ensnare me will not work.
Shortbow and quiver of enchanted arrows (paralyze).
Lucky dagger. Light hammer.

Edit: Restructured some of my sentences.
Post edited October 10, 2019 by matterbandit
"if she's trapped behind the door, then she's of no use to us", Roy continues with the group headed towards the other door, following behind the little thief.
ZyloxDragon: "if she's trapped behind the door, then she's of no use to us", Roy continues with the group headed towards the other door, following behind the little thief.
Fish the Half-Orc Berserker

Finally someone that makes sense! Stay behind me Roy. If you die, I'll be left alone with these fools. As for letting those giant rats go, it's a complete waste and not at all safe. Let all of them enter the left room and hopefully they will trigger all the traps. No need to risk anyone in the party to search for traps. *glares at the halfling shaman. I'll stay by the door until everyone at least considers sacrificing the rats.
Post edited October 10, 2019 by Genocide2099
I Strigon, drow necromancer, stay close to the group about to inspect the doors but still 12-14 feet away from them to not affect their bonuses or stats.

I also keep a close eye on Siegfried and other companions close to the nightmares. In case my assistance is needed to rescue Siegfried and Roosevelt and Tania, just call me and I will come for the rescue.
Lemon_Curry: .....
(Haven't seen you take any actions this last turn so I thought I'd quote you here to give you a friendly reminder about the game. Hope everything is alright with you in real life.)
Updated my post 274.

FlockeSchnee: (Do you know, if one of your "Detect Secrets" included the rats? I know, I'm grasping at straws here. :-/ )
phaolo: ( I doubt it, they were too far from the mage.
That spell's range seems quite limited, for example it affected the doors, but not the rooms inside.)
(Thanks for your answer. / Maybe that is just, because, well, sensing through doors would be really powerful, wouldn't it be? Hm. Maybe I'm reading too much into that. After all, it doesn't say, if it is a harmful secret or not. -Thinking of Origi.- )
Post edited October 10, 2019 by FlockeSchnee
FlockeSchnee: 58 - FlockeSchnee - Tanea - Halfling Shaman
Tanea hurriedly says goodbye to every single rat while looking into it's eyes and then reminds them about what she had told them about the traps and fleeing, if needed. She tells them to be careful and sends them into the main chamber, fearing for the worst and hoping for the best, mumbling to herself in reassurance "They must know this place, they can make it out, if they want to."
Then Tanea goes to Siegfried and casts Heal on him (twice if necessary and possible).
Goodbye furry friends and thank you for all your help. We couldn't have made it this far without you guys.

Tanea, I'm sure they'll be alright. They've lived here all their lives so they should be alright. And because of you they now know the compassion of people. Maybe they'll remain cute furballs and help out someone else in this dungeon.
BenKii: Goodbye furry friends and thank you for all your help. We couldn't have made it this far without you guys.

Tanea, I'm sure they'll be alright. They've lived here all their lives so they should be alright. And because of you they now know the compassion of people. Maybe they'll remain cute furballs and help out someone else in this dungeon.
Hearing these words BenKii shouts over, not just to her, to _them_ too. Tanea looks teary eyed and greatful in BenKii's direction. She is well aware, that she is being silly. They would have hurt or even killed any of her companions and herself, if things had turned out differently. But she also can't help herself. They are alive. She wants them to remain thus.
"Thank you" is all she can shout back, tears once again threatening to fall. As she turns her attention back to Siegfried, her hand still on his forehead, she concentrates once more on healing him.
Post edited October 10, 2019 by FlockeSchnee
** TURN 6 **

Western tunnel:

13 - Roosevelt - Human Paladin roars triumphantly and advances on the desperately struggling Nightmare. He dispatches the foul creature with a flourish and stands ready to escort Siegfried and Tanea back to the main group.

57 - Siegfried - Human Paladin is unconscious, bleeding from a nasty head wound.

25 - BenKii - Human Warrior while standing by the now open left door he hears a desperate cry for help from behind the warded door on the right. His noble warriors code has him implore Loradan to dispel the ward so that he may save the damsel in distress.
The mage flatly refuses to until the left room has been explored properly.

40 - Gilius - Dwarven Druid joins Loradan in saying that the left room should be dealt with before doing anything else.
He checks to make sure nothing else is approaching from further along the tunnel.

4 - Strigon - Drow Necromancer says that Siegfried should be the priority for now and then deciding what to do with the rats. He stays close to the group but not too close.

13 - Roosevelt - Human Paladin begs them to dispel the ward and let him take responsibility for the consequences but his words fall on deaf ears.

67 - Rufus - Human Cleric wonders where exactly the rats came from.

45 - Loradan - Elven Mage regards the warded door with suspicion.

63 - Fish - Half Orc Berserker suggests that the commotion coming from the warded door is an old witches trick and to get on with exploring the room on the left.

58 - Tanea - Halfling Shaman *rolls dice* keeps control of the rats. With fond farewells and loving looks from both sides, Tanea sends the Giant Rats into the central chamber where hopefully they will find their home.
Tanea moves to Siegfried and casts Heal *rolls dice* the spell is successful.

57 - Siegfried - Human Paladin head wound is healed by Tanea and he rises groggily to his feet.

74 - Yeenwi - Drow Necromancer moves closer to the two while making sure to keep far enough away that his presence won't affect his non-orc companions, damn their racial prejudices.
He also suggests that the right door is a trap and to explore the left room first.

67 - Rufus - Healed Human Cleric lifts the dazed Siegfried and starts to carry him towards the main group.
Rufus stands between the two doors and casts Globe of Protection. He also casts Divine Retaliation.
He moves to the left door as that is the room that the companions are crowding around.

25 - BenKii - Human Warrior moves to the side of the left door to allow a thief in to check for traps, ready to follow and protect them.

45 - Loradan - Elven Mage stands ready in the tunnel to help with his magic.

68 - Peloquin - Dwarven Thief moves next to Rufus between the doors. He then turns to the right door and shouts to know who is in there.

*The sobbing stops. "Hel-hello? You can hear me? Please *sobs*, they are coming! They have a secret passage into here and I can hear them coming now! PLEASE HELP ME!"*

38 - Roy Jenks - Half-Orc Battemage dismisses whoever is in the right room with a sneer and heads to the left room, urging the thief to do the same.

63 - Fish - Half Orc Berserker grins at Roy Jenks, he stays by the left door cursing the Halfling for not using the rats to trip any potential traps ahead.

58 - Tanea - Halfling Shaman hearing the kind words that BenKii shouts to both her and her furry friends brings a tear to her eye. She manages a strained thank you before returning to making sure Siegfried is ok as he is carried back to the group by a Holy Guardian, Roosevelt at his side.
Post edited October 10, 2019 by Doc0075