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Tanea, Halfling Shaman (female)
In my confusion, and because it's unwise to tell my companions "There is a voice in my head that wants me to do something", I do the only thing I can think of: I ask questions I'd really like an answer to: "Which picture? And why? Who are you? ... Do you know where the rats live? If they could be happy in one of the paintings? Please, don't lie."
She answers: "You know which painting to bring, if it is possible. I am a kindred spirit. Come to me and the rats will follow." That's all very vague. Well, I guess that it's the "Trees and Grass" painting, because the other one is in BenKii's hands, so the possibility of bringing that one isn't in question right now. Kinded spirit sounds promising. Meeting someone not intend on killing us would be nice for a change, but it could also be some kind of deception. Kindred in what regard excactly? But ... come to me and the rats will follow? How? What does that mean?
I look at the necklace Loradan gave me before following through the blue portal. It's simple but beautiful. Or maybe it's beautiful because it is simple. I feel myself smiling. My eyes are drawn to the wooden Halfling figurine. My heart lurches at the sudden homesickness threatening to overwhelm me. I blink away the beginning tears searching for a way out. I admire the craftsmanship before putting the necklace on, cautiously and with slightly trembling hands. ... Of course, nothing happens. I don't really know what I expected.
"What do you mean I don't belong here? I don't belong in this dungeon either! Who are you?" I hear Roy say. My head snaps up and my eyes fix on him. I feel my heart hammering in my chest as I ask Roy in a rushed and slightly breathless voice: "Did you hear a voice in your head too?" My eyes must be gigantic, I'm sure, as surprised as I am. "Is it female?" And almost as an afterthought: "If you don't belong there, maybe the "Bridge Painting" would be different?" As I notice him trying to push harder I say rather desperate: "Please don't destroy the "Trees and Grass" painting. The rats and I still need it." I'm relieved when he stops ... and confirms that he heard a voice too. Well, If the pictures were ... sent? ... by the Ice Elemental and I'm not the only one hearing a female voice, it's rather safe to assume that voice is real. Unless Roy and I are both going insane, but ... I brush that thought aside - for now. After all, weird things _are_ going on in between these stone walls.
Silent suggests I try to ... enter the painting because the paintings and the necklace that was hidden behind the one that burned might be connected, might somehow enable me to pass through, maybe even take others with me. I hesitate. Could I even come back if I went in? Roy holds the painting for me and I can't help but be excited. Maybe there is a way through one of those? I lean in, just a little and there is a blinding flash of light and a burning pain on my left arm. A little scream escapes my lips, not just surprise but pain too, but mostly surprise - and panic. I'm blind! There is still a dull feeling of soreness in my left arm as my eyesight returns. Roy rubs his eyes, the painting in his hands gone. When I look at my left arm ... there it is. Trying not to sound panicked, but not sure if I actually succeed I say rather rushed and in a little too high voice: "It's on my arm! Look!" as I show my arm to BenKii. "How did that happen?! What does that mean?!" I trace the outline of the "painting" with my finger. There is a barely noticeable elevation. I'm ... slightly amazed. It looks kind of nice, maybe a little big for my small arm, but nice. This thought vanishes, when Roy mentions something about enslaving tattoos. What?
Then the sound of large clawed paws from the direction of the Main Chamber reaches my ears. "Come to me and the rats will follow" echoes in my head. What mood are they in now? The picture of them gnawing on Orcs, that the Ice Elemental sent me, resurfaces.
The Ice Elemental ... I wish Gilius were still with us. He seemed knowledgeable and calm in temper. He might have been willing to tell me about Elementals. I know next to nothing about them ...
My thoughts drift to Shins and I recoil. Don't go there Tanea! And then I make sure to keep myself busy with things I might be able to do something about.

Tanea, Halfling Shaman (female)
58 - FlockeSchnee - Tanea - Halfling Shaman
1. (I'm assuming the rats are tame, due to "approaching in a straight line" and the cryptic message from the female voice, but in case I'm wrong:) Tanea waits for the rats to come into sight. If they're not "tame" she will cast "Charm Animals", if less than half of them are affected, she will cast "Charm Animals" again. EDIT: Of course I mean "Calm Animals". *shakes head at self*
2. If _all_ rats are tame and Roy _hasn't_ cast "Acid Fog", that they would have to walk through, Tanea asks them to walk in a line behind her, in the hope that she will end up walking somewhere without traps to step into and so the rats wouldn't trigger any traps on their own, hopefully.
3. Tanea asks the female voice a few more questions in her head: Do you know if there are more traps on the way up to the/your door? If so, would you be so kind to tell EDIT me/us where they are so we can avoid them? Were you controlling the rats or were they acting on their own, when they came back up from the Main Chamber? (And if they were already tame when they got to the group: Are you controlling the rats?)
4. She tells the female voice: Since you didn't ask me to come alone, I hope you won't be offended if all of us come.
5. Tanea carefully makes her way further up the tunnel, looking for suspicious spots to hopefully avoid them. If the voice knew about traps and told her EDIT where they are/where to walk, Tanea pass that knowledge on to her companions (including the rats, if they come along) and will walk where she will avoid them/where she was told, but still a little more careful, maybe the voice doesn't know everything. After all she didn't seem to know that Tanea never intended to enter the blue portal.
6. When Tanea reaches the door, she will stand next to the door on the side where it opens (= not in front of the door but in front of the wall next to it, in case this door explodes outwards too or something) and knock on the door.
If the door is too far up to reach it now already, she pays close attention to the door and it's surroundings. (How big is it? Anything of note/suspicious?)
7. If Tanea gets a signal to enter, she will do so cautiously, introduce herself properly and take a quick, but curious look around. / If Tanea doesn't get a signal to enter, she will wait a few moments and then do the same as written before, but only introduce herself, if there is someone to introduce herself to.

(Sorry, I always end up overthinking things way too much. :-/ )
No changes from starting equipment (Staff, 2x Heal potion).
5 spells cast (of 12): 1x Calm Animals (on Turn 2, already expired), 1x Heal (on Siegfried),
2x Protection from Elements (on Roy Jenks - Turn 8; on Siegfried - Turn 9),
1x Summon Ice Elemental on Turn 5 (ends end of Turn 9/beginning of Turn 10)
19 spell casts available, none used; otherwise no change from before;
Ice Elemental vanished Turn 11; Recasting only for Turn 15 or later

(edit: fixed some spelling)
Post edited November 01, 2019 by FlockeSchnee
(edited my actions on Post 585 to not conflict with Tanea's actions.)
I Strigon, drow necromancer, follow Tanea at a reasonable distance to make sure my close presence does not affect her stats negatively.

I am fully vigilant watching both sides of the tunnel, and crossbow at the ready in case the rats and the large creature jump at us.
Current Actions Summary:

38 - ZyloxDragon - Roy Jenks - Half-Orc Battemage
Roy frowns and mumbles... "That was my treasure..."
After listening to the halfling prattle on, and seeing how depleted our party is, the rats may give us an issue (if we can see them). "I have a few spells that can cut them down quickly...", I'll prepare an Acid Fog to be cast in between us IF the rats look like they're going to attack. Hopefully that would keep them from coming towards us if they have turned back into enemies.
"I don't want a magical tattoo that could be used to enslave me, so no I won't test out the other painting, however I believe we should carry it with us to the end of the tunnel and find out what/who is speaking to Tanea and I." (Hopefully it's not what I think it is - however Roy doens't have much experience in an Underdark type setting).
As long as the rats don't look like they're going to attack, Roy will go ahead and pick up Shins and carry the little halfling with him (after searching him for useful items first of course).

25 - BenKii - BenKii - Human Warrior
I carry the "Mountain Pass" painting with me and follow Tanea just to the side of her to the end of the tunnel where the final door is. I open the door and enter into the room at the same time with Tanea. Inside, I examine the room and its contents wary of any hostile forces or traps. After Tanea introduces herself, I greet the spirit "Greetings, I'm Captain BenKii. If you are telepathic then you know we come in peace and wish no one harm. What may we call you?"

58 - FlockeSchnee - Tanea - Halfling Shaman
1. (I'm assuming the rats are tame, due to "approaching in a straight line" and the cryptic message from the female voice, but in case I'm wrong:) Tanea waits for the rats to come into sight. If they're not "tame" she will cast "Charm Animals", if less than half of them are affected, she will cast "Charm Animals" again.
2. If _all_ rats are tame and Roy _hasn't_ cast "Acid Fog", that they would have to walk through, Tanea asks them to walk in a line behind her, in the hope that she will end up walking somewhere without traps to step into and so the rats wouldn't trigger any traps on their own, hopefully.
3. Tanea asks the female voice a few more questions in her head: Do you know if there are more traps on the way up to the/your door? If so, would you be so kind to tell me where to walk to avoid them? Were you controlling the rats or were they acting on their own, when they came back up from the Main Chamber? (And if they were already tame when they got to the group: Are you controlling the rats?)
4. She tells the female voice: Since you didn't ask me to come alone, I hope you won't be offended if all of us come.
5. Tanea carefully makes her way further up the tunnel, looking for suspicious spots to hopefully avoid them. If the voice knew about traps and told her where to walk, she will walk there, but still a little more careful, maybe the voice doesn't know everything. After all she didn't seem to know that Tanea never intended to enter the blue portal.
6. When Tanea reaches the door, she will stand next to the door on the side where it opens (= not in front of the door but in front of the wall next to it, in case this door explodes outwards too or something) and knock on the door.
If the door is too far up to reach it now already, she pays close attention to the door and it's surroundings. (How big is it? Anything of note/suspicious?)
7. If Tanea gets a signal to enter, she will do so cautiously, introduce herself properly and take a quick, but curious look around. / If Tanea doesn't get a signal to enter, she will wait a few moments and then do the same as written before, but only introduce herself, if there is someone to introduce herself to.

4 - sasuke12 - Strigon - Drow Necromancer
I Strigon, drow necromancer, follow Tanea at a reasonable distance to make sure my close presence does not affect her stats negatively.
I am fully vigilant watching both sides of the tunnel, and crossbow at the ready in case the rats and the large creature jump at us.

Haven't taken turn yet:

76 - Lemon_Curry - Shins A'Hoy - Halfling Thief
74 - runnerex - Yeenwi - Drow Necromancer
74 - Yeenwi - Drow Necromancer

(I also think that the rats are probably going to be friendly, because of "approaching in a straight line". That's not their normal behaviour.)

If the next dice roll is Turn 13, Yeenwi casts Death Armour on himself.
Then he makes sure to levitate just high enough to be out of the rats' range and joins the party heading for the door, making sure to keep some distance behind them to avoid affecting them negatively and ready to provide support, if needed.
Post edited October 31, 2019 by runnerex
runnerex: ...
(Thank you.
I'm curious: Is the spell itself the armour (Tanea isn't wearing any armour)? How does Death Armour work? Anything touching you dies/Only attackers die?)
Post edited October 31, 2019 by FlockeSchnee
Quoting Doc's explanation: "Death Armour surrounds you with a black mist that when you are physically attacked will not only repel the attack but also suck the life force from the attacker. It won't suck the life force from undead for obvious reasons."
runnerex: ...
(Thanks. That's a cool spell. :-) )
Except I've just been informed by Doc that I can only cast it on myself. Sorry. :(
runnerex: Except I've just been informed by Doc that I can only cast it on myself. Sorry. :(
( :-) No problem, at least now I know what that spell does - and what it looks like, which is good for story purposes. - Probably would be horribly overpowered if you could cast it on everyone in whatever group you're in. Got to keep the balance somehow.)
Post edited October 31, 2019 by FlockeSchnee
(I just realized, Tanea being the only one knowing about potential traps _if_ the voice has knowledge and wants to share it, wouldn't do much good for anyone besides Tanea and the rats _if_ they come along. So I edited my actions a little to be more of use for everyone.)
** TURN 13 **

Western tunnel:

58 - Tanea - Halfling Shaman excitedly shows her companions the tattoo of the painting on her arm.

The rats approach and stand in a line behind Tanea, the front rat nudges her leg with its nose.

25 - BenKii - Human Warrior puts his trust in the little Halflings judgement. You ask Roy if he can carry Shin's, preferably without eating any parts of him.

38 - Roy Jenks - Half-Orc Battemage lets Tanea know that he has spells to deal with the rats if she can't control them.
You refuse to test out the other painting for fear of becoming enslaved.
You pick up shin's *rolls dice* and take a sling +2 and a cure poison potion from him.

25 - BenKii - Human Warrior carries the Mountain Pass painting and walks alongside Tanea to the door at the end of the tunnel.

58 - Tanea - Halfling Shaman asks the voice several questions, the only one the voice answers is to reassure Tanea that there are no traps further along the tunnel.
Tanea walks up the tunnel to the door, BenKii to her side and the rats following behind. You stand to the side of the door and knock only for BenKii to brazenly open the door without waiting for a reply.
You hear the voice and enter the room.

25 - BenKii - Human Warrior opens the door *rolls dice* Taneas necklace glows and the door opens safely, and enters the room.
You see a pathway lined with trees and long grass on either side. Birds chirp above, you look up and can't see above the treetops.
"Greetings, I'm Captain BenKii. If you are telepathic then you know we come in peace and wish no one harm. What may we call you?"

As the door opens a confident female voice speaks "Welcome little one, if you and your friends would be so kind as to follow the path, I have need of your assistance with a certain matter."
"Thank you Captain BenKii of the Federation Starship USS Ragnarok, you are a long way from home and I am sure you would like to get this ordeal over with so that you may return."
"You may call me Cassandra."

4 - Strigon - Drow Necromancer follows Tanea and BenKii at a reasonable distance. You keep a wary eye on the rats.

74 - Yeenwi - Drow Necromancer casts Death Armour on himself. You levitate and follow the party up the tunnel to the door.

38 - Roy Jenks - Half-Orc Battemage with Shin's on your back you go with the party to the door at the end of the tunnel.
(We are trapped seeming underground or in a mountain somewhere, stumbling over traps and getting attacked by all kinds of hostiles ... only to end up in a garden/park so the resident (or one of the residents) can ask _us_ for help with something? ... OK, _now_ I'm scared. Who is Cassandra? Did that necklace prevent a trap getting sprung as BenKii opened the door or help create an illusion? Did we just free another powerful and dangerous creature?)

I look at BenKii and say worriedly: "This is an illusion, isn't it? Trees and grass need sun, but the tunnels suggest we are underground or in a mountain."
Post edited November 01, 2019 by FlockeSchnee
(Yay! Doc acknoledged my Trek background! :D Now that the spirit revealed the Captain's true identity, he's gonna have to explain himself.)

*speaks to Cassandra*
I see you already know who I am. Then as a representative of the Federation, I will hear your plight and help in any way I can. In return, I hope you can answer some questions and perhaps help us find a way out of this dungeon.

*looks to the rest of his party*
I'm very sorry to have deceived you all about my identity. As per Federation law, I was not allowed to reveal who I was to a technologically lesser society unless absolutely necessary. I am not from this planet or realm as you may call it. Rather I'm *points up* from up there. I'm not a Warrior but a Captain of a Starship that explores the galaxy. Again, I apologize for the deception. I hope we can continue to work together to find a way out.

*looks to Tanea*
In my travels I've encountered subterranean forests that rely on other sources of energy besides sunlight. But from what I gather on this world, anything is possible with magic so, yes, it could be a magical illusion. But I don't think we have anything to fear from Cassandra. Else she would've controlled those rats to have attacked us by now. She clearly wishes to speak to you so you should be the one to approach her first. You have nothing to be worried about. I'll be right next to you the whole time.
Tanea, Halfling Shaman (female)
The rats reach us. They are in a good mood. Maybe they were just hungry? The lead one nudges my leg with it's nose. Odd. Are they doing as they please? Or is this painting their home and they react this way because I'm "carrying" it in a way? Or did that voice go a little extra length for a deception? I don't know. The voice only answers my question about potential traps, saying there are no more traps further along the tunnel. She also does not object to all of us coming. Nothing else to do, unless one wants to choose the blue portal, which is still glowing in the right room, so we make our way up to the door at the end of the tunnel and therefore that mysterious entity behind the voice. BenKii walks at my side, the rats in a line behind me. Roy grabs Shins and follows behind carrying him. ... Don't go there Tanea. Nothing to do now. Time will tell. The two Drows follow at a distance. As if we came to an unspoken agreement, we walk in silence. Giving each of us room of our own so to speak - and time to think. The amount of trust BenKii seems to put into me ... is worrying. There are so many things I don't know, so many things I've never seen, never heard of. And ... I've never been to war. I will have to tell him, maybe he got a different impression of me somewhere along the way? Roy seems to have quite an aversion against rats? Or maybe just the ones big enough to try and eat him? I can't be sure. Maybe he met ones like these before? If the opportunity presents itself, I will ask him about it ... and about those "enslaving tattoos". Although I'm worried about the answer to the latter question. My thoughts drift to the Drows. It's kind of funny, how Silent turned out not to be all that silent after all and Guardian, who spoke more at the beginning, has taken to silence for most part now. Elves and Drows have a way of moving ... it reminds me of cats. Grace and power in one neat package. But Drows seem to be more ... grim and sombre? Well, they are the only ones I have ever met, so maybe it's just those two? Or is that connected to being a Necromancer. Being surrounded by the dead all the time might have that effect. Why did they become Necromancers? Why would anyone, I wonder. These two Drows have darker skin. They blend in well with these stone walls I noticed. Sometimes it almost seems like they vanish. And then there is this ... I don't know. Sometimes it looks like part of their skin came alive and now swirls around them. When a torchlight shines behind them, you can see it very clearly otherwise you have to look closely to see it. It's fascinating. Is it something that's innate to all Drows? I think I remember they live in a dark and dangerous environment? Or is it something they have to actively learn? I wish I had studied about other races before leaving home. There is so much I don't know. Well, my only excuse is, that I never thought I would meet anything but Humans. At least not in a way that would have us converse or anything, which would end with me being impolite due to lack of knowledge.
My thoughts get interrupted as we reach the door. I knock and ... BenKii just barges in. How rude, considering we know there is someone in there. When he opens the door something on me ... the necklace ... glows. My gut twists a little and I can't help but think that we are of to a bad start. Was that door trapped just now? Well, she said there wouldn't be any more traps along the tunnel. She didn't say anything about the door ... and I didn't ask about the door, to be fair. But still ... I get permission to enter and do so, just to stop short, feeling my jaw dropping in disbelief. Trees and grass lining a pathway leading off to somewhere while birds can be heard. The trees are so high and wide, nothing can be seen past the treetops. I take a quick look backwards. Tunnel, so either underground or in a mountain ... neither place has a sun for trees and grass to thrive. Illusion?! Through the sudden fear thrumming through my veins, I hear BenKii introducing himself and the voice reply. ... We are trapped in this place, whatever/whereever it is, and _she_ needs _our_ assistance? Is she the one keeping us here and the only way out is to help her with her ...task? Or is nothing we see real and there is some hungry or maybe just bloodthirsty creature waiting for us to come to it? Where did I lead us?I remember the "You will all die here and I will be the one to kill you"-thought-loop from earlier. When was it? It feels like a lifetime ago. Did I inadvertently evoke a self-fulfilling prophecy? Suddenly I feel cold and startle hart at this. I focus on this feeling and ... relief. No, it's not that kind of cold. Wouldn't do any good to drag another (or the same? I don't know) Ice Elemental into this again. I never should have left home. A simple, quite life, family and friends. What was I looking for? I don't know, but I know with absolute certainty that this was not it. So many lifes I might drag down with me. I look at my companions, one at a time ...
... only to realize, that I'm being stupid again. They probably would still have ended up here, even if I hadn't. That first encounter of group and rats ... would they have killed each other? Only for the nightmares to kill any survivors? Probably? Maybe? No? I don't know. Noone does, none of it ever happened. So: What will happen, now that all of our paths lead here?

Tanea, Halfling Shaman (female)
58 - FlockeSchnee - Tanea - Halfling Shaman
1. (Since Tanea stupidly missed muddy paws and stuff last time because she was blind:) Tanea looks each rat over and while she is doing so strokes over each ones head (only if they allow it, of course) saying "Hello". Something of note?
She also tells them that following her from here on might not be such a good idea and to decide for themselves if they really want to do that (no idea if that's gonna do/change anything, should they be under Tanea's control though).
2. Tanea looks more closely at the tattoo. Does it look like the original painting? Something changed or else of note?
3. Tanea introduces herself to Silent (Yeenwi) and Guardian (Strigon) and thanks Roy for carrying Shins.
4. Tanea tells everyone that there are lots of things she doesn't know, especially things about war. Making sure to pay close attention to BenKii to see if he is listening.
5. Tanea reminds everyone, that she wouldn't be of much/any help in a battle, should one await them somewhere down that path (or anywhere else really). And suggest to anyone wanting to continue to probably not leave the pathway, because if it's all an illusion they might step into deadly things.
6. Tanea walks the path slowly but steady to wherever it leads, paying close attention to her surroundings (what does she see?). She will keep her defensive spells (Sleep, Entangle, Calm Animals) and protective spell (Protection From Elements) ready and cast them as needed, should an attack occur (by a valid target for either of those spells and/or with an elemental attack)
7. When Tanea reaches "the voice" and no attack occures, she will (finally) introduce herself properly. (What does her counterpart look like?)

No changes from starting equipment (Staff, 2x Heal potion).
5 spells cast (of 12): 1x Calm Animals (on Turn 2, already expired), 1x Heal (on Siegfried),
2x Protection from Elements (on Roy Jenks - Turn 8; on Siegfried - Turn 9),
1x Summon Ice Elemental on Turn 5 (ends end of Turn 9/beginning of Turn 10)
19 spell casts available, none used; otherwise no change from before;
Ice Elemental vanished Turn 11; Recasting only for Turn 15 or later
Post edited November 02, 2019 by FlockeSchnee