With all due respect, I feel that is a very flawed argument and position to hold. People are concerned because developers have neglected GoG versions of games in the past and people are worried that will happen here again. Also as you stated "You bought a game here". Yes, we spent money, I spent money. I expect my product to be treated equally as it would be at the other store, and be given the general intended updates and support created for it, and I expect those updates and support to be given in a timely manner.
I am reasonable and totally willing to wait a few hours, even a day or two, if it is properly explained why there is a delay.
"Pay your Respect" makes no sense in any context whatsoever. GoG is a service provider, and I am a customer, I have paid money, I expect a fair transaction and I expect fair service, and in return, I provide my money and some patience and willingness to cooperate.
Also, GoG in of itself functions as a form of DRM, despite how people feel about it. You may not need a GoG account to run legacy installers, but you need a GoG account to grab the installer, and you need a GoG account to use GoG Galaxy.
This is much the same as steam, and often, steam games don't even include any DRM on the EXEs!