Down to level 3 now. Screwed up a few things when creating my character, I didn't realize that the skill levels only did stuff when you hit a certain number, basically I gimped my mage until I leveled and was able to actually cast some spells (I had all skills at level 1, I figured I'd dabble in each first and pick one later).
My minotaur has 20 strenght but 6 dex, I wasn't quite sure if dex affected weapon hit chance as well as projectile accuracy, looks like it probably does, which didn't quite go according to plan, but he still hits like a truck and my other fighter has a good dex to balance it out with less strenght. One precision guy, one walloper.
Otherwise I have a rogue and a mage. Next time I'll probably roll a warrior, rogue, and 2 mages.
Magic is cumbersome. Picking the runes each time is slow, but not unmanageable.
If you're fighting 1 opponent with some room to maneuver, its too easy, you can run circles around them and never be hit. In packs opponents can definitely be challenging.
I like free look, it adds a feeling of freedom even if you are confined to specific squares.
Overall liking it. This is a game that would be great if you can add future adventures, classes, and skills to.
Also took a while to realize that you can use spears to attack from the back row, I just had the guy with a throwing knife and being useless after throwing it.
LAstly, its really easy to abuse quickly flipping your party between the front and back rows during a fight. If the front guys are suffering, you can easy swap one of the back guys in, attack, take a hit, swap the other guy in, attack, swap, attack, etc. It shouldn't be that easy/quick.