Posted June 14, 2012

And I'm not the only one a little bit frustrated by this.
I'm sure you're a nice guy and all, but you do realize you have more games then you're be able to play in a lifetime... and at this point it feels more of a routine then joy when you do grab a game, so let others have their chance, no :/ ?
He already had fallout 2, otherwise he would have ranted about not being the one who got it :/

But it is nearly an one-sided giveaway like another member stated
I mean, the whole point of the forum is not to lurk and constantly look for free games, it's for some every member to have a chance to get a free game once in a while.
I've been offered many games by PM, most of them I refused, not because i don't have them, but because other people will enjoy them more than I. It's called decency, people should learn to share, not grab everything for them.
All that i'm saying, is that lugum mustn't appropriate this thread for him. It's all.