niniendowarrior: Whoa! Qui Gonn Jin just went to town with that one.
joppo: Maybe I could have waited to just say "oh come on, let others take games too" next time there was a grab, but I can't ever seem to be online at the right times (also why I'm a terrible ninja).
Still, this isn't particularly about Elrinda himself. It's more about this behavior and all the people constantly appearing that think "screw everyone else, if it is free and available I'll get it without a second thought".
I don't have any problems with what you did joppo. You are well within your right to post what you did. It is a bit on the heavy side though. That's all.
IAmSinistar: Poke some holes in it or your head will explode like a baked potato when the mind ray finds you.
That's why I wear a colander instead. Well, and because I have vermicelli for hair.
Momo1991: Now speaking of tinfoil hats - you might want to consider joining Sachys in the dog house for a while! ;-p
~cheeky posters have stepped far over the MOMO line tonight~
Sorry... I am the mad clucker though!