lemuria: actually when you do invert color you can see everything :)
JogsterXL: Thank you, I redeemed it. After spending the last half-hour messing with sharpness and contrast, squinting trying to make it out, all I had to do was invert color. Very smart, and I had a lot of fun, thanks again for this excellent puzzle and game! :D
Enjoy :)
IAmSinistar: Oo, you tricksy sod! That's clever. And here I was doing careful "near colour" masks to trim around the letters. My last pass was good and returned clear results, but alas too late.
I say go for the illusion. Or be a real bastard and print the code in some random font that is an alien language or set of dingbats. Then folks would have to find the exact font to undo to. I bet if you did that with the
Humble Deep Silver Bundle some lurkers would go apeshit scrambling to crack it. :D
EDIT: Good job JogsterXL, glad to see it went to a deserving soul!
I wanted to make complicated giveaway just need to get better games for it :) (My credit card can't usable rightnow.)
Probably you needto use jquery,html, photoshop , google, or more to solve this puzzle. If i get a chance to get nice game for this giveaway: I can guarantee this will be hardest giveaway ever.