Okay, so the initial rhyme that took you into the hunt was:
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea,
Ninja left a clue to a key,
Don't drop the
Search swiftly instead!
- Instructions from there you will see!"
Everything in italics is a clue. You should have gone and found post #20,000 in Ninja Thread.
http://www.gog.com/forum/general/ninja_giveaway/post20000 ...which it seems everyone figured out.
This post gave you the first portion of the code, along with further clues in italics yet again:
"Towards the Pantheon you must look at
Easter to see what you need next. Find the
metal gods amid their
So basically, use the forum search function to search for "Easter", "Metal" and "Intervention", which should have brought you to the "Very metal Easter Intervention Giveaway " I did some time ago with the lads from Pantheon.
http://www.gog.com/forum/general/a_very_metal_easter_intervention_giveaway/page1 some people got confused immediately here as they didnt bother to check the OP. Those that did found a second code portion, along with the next clue:
"In the
studio, with the
artists, the Guardian doth await with a question - or a riddle. "
So, you should have found the Artists Studio thread (long since abandoned!), and yet again, more clues in italics:
"Have you understood what he says? Have you
listened to his words?
Then you are near done!
chimp-like friend is
blue and will
save you some time it is true!
Seek you another out in
along with this image:
http://static.gog.com/upload/forum/2013/07/d7e398a4f3fdc6ddd733dc1a9b8d499718f95c2a.jpg He asks "Why Pee?" = YP - thats where you had to LISTEN (instead of just reading it!).
The next italic seacrh terms are for the Save The Blue Space Chimp GA I did (ironically linked in the same post!).
http://www.gog.com/forum/general/save_the_blue_space_chimp_giveaway/page1 In the OP is the final clue:
"Now all you need is to add
space, and
nothing to your findings and send me the results.
If you are correct, I will
fill in the rest of the details for you and the prize shall be yours!"
this messed with anyone who came upon it I think - as it took ages for most to realise the italics yet again guide you.
add a SPACE, and then NOTHING (0) to your findings and send me the results. It's also clued in as I would FILL IN THE DETAILS for you!
with the first two portions of the code, the guardian's clue and the final piece, you should have sent me this:
and I would have returned this:
BTY2H-0JCEX-YPH0K (now redeemed!).
Got it?