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StingingVelvet: Seems much more immersive and solo friendly than Borderlands...
It definitely is. Much more to it. Quite a bit more exploring to be done. Weapons to repair and upgrade (baseball bat, meet nails). Much more of a sense of survival and helping the NPCs through it. The quests make a noticeable difference.

That said, the NPCs are still a bit crap. Like Borderlands they have personality, but they're kind of static and have very little dialogue.

It's definitely a step up from L4D. But it's no zombie apocalypse Stalker.
Loving it so far.
Ash360: Ok, the games been released for about 19 hours here now and I still can't activate it on Steam. I'm not entirely sure why, but apparently someones working on it, possibly maybe, and I may be able to activate the game sometime in the future.
gyokzoli: What is the error message?
Something like "sorry, the following items are not available for purchase in this country"
Also when the thing comes up to enter the key into, there's more sections to it than my key has. My key's xxxx-xxxx-xxxx but that leaves two sections blank.
Anyone getting motion sickness playing the game for extended periods of time? I changed the FOV angle to 82-90, default in the XML file is 62.5 and it seems to work for me:
Navagon: (baseball bat, meet nails)
Pfft, sure if you're a noob. Military Machette meet high voltage mod is what all the cool kids are doing nowdays
Navagon: (baseball bat, meet nails)
Aliasalpha: Pfft, sure if you're a noob. Military Machette meet high voltage mod is what all the cool kids are doing nowdays
That sure is nothing compared to my Gem+Torchlight combo in DR2.
StingingVelvet: Seems much more immersive and solo friendly than Borderlands
I'd probably agree with at, borderlands was still fun played solo but the world had a far more empty feeling, as if they made it assuming you'd be playing with coop and chatting to your mates as you walk to the next objective.

This seems to be somewhat smaller and have fairly evenly spaced zombies so you're rarely without something to re-kill and the maps are more complicated than borderlands' tendency to have a lot of flat empty space. Sadly it does suffer from the common 'closed door is just a painting on the wall' issue that games have where they're impervious to everything even though it looks exactly the same as the ones you can just shoulder barge down. Its not a major gameplay issue but it does always dent the immersion when there's a perfect place to hide from the horde of zombies but you can't get in because the handle is an illusion
I watched some footage of this that a youtuber Demath put up along with his written review (plug, he does GOG games too -

This largely seems like something I'll want to pick up. But not right now. More like when it's $20 during the Christmas sale.

It'll probably be my new Borderlands. Something I'll play when I'm stressed/bored and mindlessly kill things and get XP'z and loot for so I don't feel like I'm wasting my life. I'll end up putting 96 damn hours into it.
Ash360: Something like "sorry, the following items are not available for purchase in this country"
Also when the thing comes up to enter the key into, there's more sections to it than my key has. My key's xxxx-xxxx-xxxx but that leaves two sections blank.
The key you get should be 3 sets of five alphanumeric characters (and you can ignore the extra sections). But apparently, someone fucked up somewhere and distributed Eastern European keys to Western Europe and vice versa. As the game is region locked, those keys won't work in the wrong region.

You can either try and get the key replaced from where you purchased it, or try VPNs to activate the game. Your choice. FYI, the use of a VPN for a few minutes in order to unlock a released game, is perfectly safe.
bansama: The key you get should be 3 sets of five alphanumeric characters (and you can ignore the extra sections). But apparently, someone fucked up somewhere and distributed Eastern European keys to Western Europe and vice versa. As the game is region locked, those keys won't work in the wrong region.

You can either try and get the key replaced from where you purchased it, or try VPNs to activate the game. Your choice. FYI, the use of a VPN for a few minutes in order to unlock a released game, is perfectly safe.
Thanks. I had contacted their support and I received a replacement key that actually works. The games currently installing :D

This release was an absolute mess, I thought Bethesda were bad.
cw8: Anyone getting motion sickness playing the game for extended periods of time? I changed the FOV angle to 82-90, default in the XML file is 62.5 and it seems to work for me:
Thanks, been pretty much been playing 2 days straight without it but there are some times when I feel it a bit so this might help.

If I was watching someone play it I probably wouldn't last 5 mins. (had the same with UT3, and couldn't play Spyro the dragon at all, lol)

Game's great imo, great atmosphere, bit strange that almost everything respawns but at least for the zombie's it makes sense else it wouldn't be much fun after a while.

Even though a lot of the quests are basically fetch this item for me I love the situations it's put in, like getting some tanks of gas and food with the car for instance, really gives you that sense that you're working to survive :)
The guys who say the game is good: could you please tell us the platform you're playing it on? Since the 'professional' media give it bad reviews on PC ... this is totally my kind of game, but it looks like a buggy pile of poo according to most if not all pc reviews.
TheCowSaysMoo: The guys who say the game is good: could you please tell us the platform you're playing it on? Since the 'professional' media give it bad reviews on PC ... this is totally my kind of game, but it looks like a buggy pile of poo according to most if not all pc reviews.
The question is, were those reviews based on the erroneous code that was originally released, or the updated code? If it were based on the former, I'd dismiss their review until such a time that they go back and update it based on the latter.

Personally, I'd sum the game up as Borderlands with Zombies and melee weapons. While rough around the edges, it certainly seems like it could be fun. I'm not actually playing it much right now however, as I'm still enjoying Deus Ex Human Revolution, and after that game, even decent games look and feel worse than they are.
cw8: Anyone getting motion sickness playing the game for extended periods of time? I changed the FOV angle to 82-90, default in the XML file is 62.5 and it seems to work for me:
Pheace: Thanks, been pretty much been playing 2 days straight without it but there are some times when I feel it a bit so this might help.
I played for 2 hours and I felt like vomitting. So yeah after the FOV change, it's alot better. But the head bobbling and certain animations while mutilating a zombie still causes it.
bansama: Personally, I'd sum the game up as Borderlands with Zombies and melee weapons. While rough around the edges, it certainly seems like it could be fun.
I just tell my friends it's Borderlands + Dead Rising 2, that about sums it up about that game.
Post edited September 11, 2011 by cw8
TheCowSaysMoo: The guys who say the game is good: could you please tell us the platform you're playing it on? Since the 'professional' media give it bad reviews on PC ... this is totally my kind of game, but it looks like a buggy pile of poo according to most if not all pc reviews.
PC for me. I've not really encountered any problems in 30 odd hours of play with the exception of some design decisions I'd have done differently, certainly nothing game breaking

Oh tell a lie, there was one bug I encountered, in fact its one I've encountered it in a few games lately, inconsistent keymapping. When you remap the keys to the one true layout of arrows (WASD is for losers!!), the use key is not 100% mapped, by which I mean it works for every function except SOME instances where you have to hold it where it only responded to the default use key. For example in a quest where you have to unblock a door or hang a poster, I hold the remapped use key (End in my case) and it fills the progress meter perfectly and functions exactly as you'd expect but holding the remapped use key to swap a weapon for one on the ground does NOT work, you have to hold the default use key. (This may have been fixed in the recent patch, I've not needed to do it since)

The same situation happened in Crysis 2, you could use turrets with the remapped use key but the only way to exit them was the default use key (I died a LOT figuring that out). I can only assume that they hardcoded the commands when they were first making it (rather than set to an on-load variable which wouldn't be needed until late in the day) and it was missed when they changed the code to support remapped controls. A small bug and far from a game breaker but it can be a bit confusing when you forget it