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korell: So, for the retail discs to be affected then the wrong version game files would need to be on them too
Nope. You're forgetting that Steam will compare the files installed to those it thinks are the most uptodate ones. Thus, in that case, you're more likely to be forced to download the wrong files (and, worst case, the entire game).

For that matter, retail versions of Steamworks games don't always carry all the files anyhow, which is why there's often complaints from people having to download a portion of the game. (It's even worse when there are day zero patches...)
FraterPerdurabo: After the steaming turd that was Gothic 4 is vowed never to pre-order a game before. And I broke this vow for Dead Island. Fuck you, industry.
Navagon: Maybe we can hope that the right version will be out by Friday? :P
Right version or not, I wish they released it now :X
Just got back from the hospital, looks like I'm going to be bedridden for quite some time :E
Tizzysawr: Giving you guys the heads up, this is unplayable without a gamepad. Mouse sensitivity is totally borked, so any flick will make your character do a 360 turn (or two or three), even in the slowest sensitivity option... And said slowest option makes the mouse slow to a crawl on menus.
Ever since downloading the retail build, mouse movements have been fine. I'm not using a gamepad at all.
FraterPerdurabo: Right version or not, I wish they released it now :X
Just got back from the hospital, looks like I'm going to be bedridden for quite some time :E
If you bought a retail version (i.e., not directly from Steam) you might be able to use a US VPN to unlock it now. It should then remain playable even when you stop using the VPN.

To clarify, this should work for the region locked copies. You can test this, by adding the retail key to Steam. If it tells you you're purchase was canceled, then the game is currently locked and the VPN work around should work. If the key adds directly to Steam without such a message, you might not be so lucky.
Post edited September 08, 2011 by bansama
After a day or so of play, I've only really got one significant complaint (beyond having no-one to co-op with), left clicking the button to exit the inventory (or indeed any menu) simultaneously registers a left click in the world. "Not really that bad a thing" you say? Try saying it after your character was in a confined space and was holding a grenade...
Tizzysawr: Giving you guys the heads up, this is unplayable without a gamepad. Mouse sensitivity is totally borked, so any flick will make your character do a 360 turn (or two or three), even in the slowest sensitivity option... And said slowest option makes the mouse slow to a crawl on menus.
Wraith: Ever since downloading the retail build, mouse movements have been fine. I'm not using a gamepad at all.
I have the latest version (STEAM won't allow you to play with an outdated one anyway) and mouse sensitivity is horrible. And I've read several people complaining of the same, though apparently it only affects bigger screen resolutions, so that might be why it works fine for you.
Wraith: Ever since downloading the retail build, mouse movements have been fine. I'm not using a gamepad at all.
Tizzysawr: I have the latest version (STEAM won't allow you to play with an outdated one anyway) and mouse sensitivity is horrible. And I've read several people complaining of the same, though apparently it only affects bigger screen resolutions, so that might be why it works fine for you.
1920x1080 here.

Also, I've made probably the most offensive Dead Island video made so far, uploading it to YouTube.
Tizzysawr: I have the latest version (STEAM won't allow you to play with an outdated one anyway) and mouse sensitivity is horrible. And I've read several people complaining of the same, though apparently it only affects bigger screen resolutions, so that might be why it works fine for you.
Wraith: 1920x1080 here.

Also, I've made probably the most offensive Dead Island video made so far, uploading it to YouTube.
Looking forward to it, links please :)
*shamelessly linking towards a site of my own interest GO*
korell: So, for the retail discs to be affected then the wrong version game files would need to be on them too
bansama: Nope. You're forgetting that Steam will compare the files installed to those it thinks are the most uptodate ones. Thus, in that case, you're more likely to be forced to download the wrong files (and, worst case, the entire game).

For that matter, retail versions of Steamworks games don't always carry all the files anyhow, which is why there's often complaints from people having to download a portion of the game. (It's even worse when there are day zero patches...)
Yes, you are right, forgot about how Steam would look at the files that the retail discs installs and would detect them as the incorrect version thus forcing a download from Steam to replace them. >_<

Anyway, my copy has just been dispatched by Amazon so hopefully this whole issue is now resolved and won't affect me when I get to install it.

I think the missing files from retail copies are there to force some kind of Steam DRM protection to prevent full copies from getting 'out there' unless it has been verified by Steam. Sometimes, though, the retail installer and Steam don't get along well and it tries to download the full game from Steam anyway (as was the case with Duke Nukem Forever for many people) but there are ways to force Steam to use the disc to install.
Wraith: 1920x1080 here.

Also, I've made probably the most offensive Dead Island video made so far, uploading it to YouTube.
F1ach: Looking forward to it, links please :)
Dead Island's Chris Brown simulator!
Soo, played it for a few hours.

1) Black screen on start up. Turns out I had to disable my 2nd monitor. I hate games that do that.

2) I play with what most people would consider, a very low mouse sensitivity and this sensitivity has been very precisely set by me in Windows and in Setpoint (precise DPI, sens, no accel, etc). The ingame view sensitivity is insanely high and I had to put it to almost 0 in options. However, this means that I have almost 0 sensitivity in the menu and in other tabs i.e. map, journal, inventory, skills etc. Extremely, extremely annoying.

3) On top of everything, it fucked with my native Windows mouse sensitivity, so I have to go and fix that every time I play the game it seems.

4) Alt-tabbing led to fucked up colours and I got a mouse cursor inside my game. Fortunately that went away after a while.

These things somewhat pissed me off, except for the low sensitivity in menus which almost makes me not want to play the game. I hope that it's something I can fix.

Other than that, I found the game fun and was enjoying it. Flawed at times and I felt that some things could really have been done better. However, me enjoying a modern game is a very rare occasion (maybe a couple of times a year) so I think the game's decent. Look forward to playing more of it once I get this ridiculous workload off of my shoulders.
FraterPerdurabo: 1) Black screen on start up. Turns out I had to disable my 2nd monitor. I hate games that do that.
You might be able to fix that, in documents\deadisland\<something or other I cant remember the name of but its the only folder>\ there should be 2 files for audio & video. They're not ini files but they function the same so open them in a text editor & you should be able to set the default display device as well as change other options not listed in the menus like antialiasing, vsync & more options for pumping up the graphic detail etc.

The real kicker is that you have to then make the file read only or the game itself will undo all your modifications when it next loads. Stupid thing to have to do but it works well
FraterPerdurabo: 1) Black screen on start up. Turns out I had to disable my 2nd monitor. I hate games that do that.
Aliasalpha: You might be able to fix that, in documents\deadisland\<something or other I cant remember the name of but its the only folder>\ there should be 2 files for audio & video. They're not ini files but they function the same so open them in a text editor & you should be able to set the default display device as well as change other options not listed in the menus like antialiasing, vsync & more options for pumping up the graphic detail etc.

The real kicker is that you have to then make the file read only or the game itself will undo all your modifications when it next loads. Stupid thing to have to do but it works well
Thanks for the tip. What a pain in the ass. A real disappointment :(
Interesting, I was intending on getting the Xbox version anyway. Testing it with an illegal PC copy.