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Roman5: What exactly am I playing here?

-Very bad hit detection - you can swipe at a zombie three times and connect if you're lucky, meanwhile the zombie can look at you and you're on the floor
-Weapons degrade stupidly fast, even if it's made of metal
-Why am I paying $$$ to fix a plank of wood?
-Why do I have to press a button to climb ladders?
-Why do I need instructions to figure out how to put some nails in a baseball bat?
-Why can't I duct tape everything together?
-Driving physics - WTF
-Burnt-out cars are for some reason welded to the ground
-Same old zombies respawning in the same damn place
-Awful, awful, awful characters and voice acting
-Textures take a second or two to load
-Inane quests, just gathering supplies even though there are hundreds of energy drinks etc lying about
-Unoriginal monsters (i.e. L4D ripoffs)
-Unoriginal location (i.e. Just Cause 2 island)
-Trailer is NOTHING like the game, whatsoever
-I want to be a blade specialist but I don't want to play as a female character... tough shit
-For a zombie game, there are hardly any zombies
-Zombies level up with you, so what's the point in leveling up when your increased damage won't make a difference??

Sucks for you huh.
Not to bump an old thread, but it's better then starting a new one.

Dead Island is $29.99 in the US on Amazon. But I was wondering what people's impressions are on the PC version as to bugs? I have a general idea of the gameplay, but what about crashes or game breaking bugs? Anyone experienced any of that sort?
Hawk52: Not to bump an old thread, but it's better then starting a new one.

Dead Island is $29.99 in the US on Amazon. But I was wondering what people's impressions are on the PC version as to bugs? I have a general idea of the gameplay, but what about crashes or game breaking bugs? Anyone experienced any of that sort?
Most of the people I hear from playing it now are pretty happy with it. I'm not sure if they are playing any multiplayer, I know there were some serious game matching bugs where folks couldn't join games at one point, no idea if they've been resolved.
Hawk52: Not to bump an old thread, but it's better then starting a new one.

Dead Island is $29.99 in the US on Amazon. But I was wondering what people's impressions are on the PC version as to bugs? I have a general idea of the gameplay, but what about crashes or game breaking bugs? Anyone experienced any of that sort?
The new patch fixed a lot of issues. I'm still on the fence about this game. Techland did a lot of things right, but made also their fare share of mistakes.


- Best survival "FPH&S" I've played so far. Due to levelling zombies, they stay leathal, no matter your level. As soon as 2 - 3 overwhelm you, you are done. Very good fps melee mechanics. I don't know what Roman was talking about, but lenght and mass of the weapon do make a difference in if and how the blow connects.

- No Quick save, but a very tame respawn (only takes 10 % of your cash, no xp loss and you spawn a few feet from your dying location)

- 4 Unique playing styles due to the characters (well, maybe rather 3, melee, guns, throwing, and the latter is more fun than I thought)

- You get a lot of game for your money, I'm at hour 26 and at 3/4 of the game. And while I did most sidequests, I wasn't completely thorough.

- It's bloody, it's violent, it's visceral. Unbelievable satisfying gory combat. The zombies and the locations just look great. Especially the city and the jungle are very atmospheric.

- The crafting and weapons degration system is very well done. For the first couple of hours, you truly "survive" and use what you can get. Weapons brake fast and must be changed frequently. Later, you have your "Deathstalker Machete" and "Hot Rod Katana" that only need occasional maintenance.

- Exploration gets rewarded. Money and weapons modifiaction are always out there to find.

But there are cons, oh boy, there are:

- First and foremost. The main characters are highly unlikable. They just suck. While the background storys sound very interesting, they are just B-Movie material. I've seen Steven Seagal in more believable characters than those 4 f*ck ups.

- The game is pretty much the most racist game I've ever played. Alone the "Sam B" character just makes you cringe every time he speaks. I'm still waiting for him to ask for some fried chicken and grape soda....

- And this "feat" carrys over to the npcs. Horrid voice acting and general obnoxiusness kept me from doing most of the sidequests. This is one of the first games ever where I click through the dialogue on the first playthrough.

- The Story, well, I think you can see where this is going ...


- No guns for the first ten hours. This game is not a shooter. Only one character is build to use guns as a main weapon and even she needs around 10 hours of character build and game progress to even get to guns.

- It is very serious, well at least it tries to be. In one mission you actually hack away at a 12 year old girl.

- No arcade gameplay like Dead Rising. You won't go through hordes of zombies. It more a careful walk, engaging them one at a time and avoiding bigger groups.

- Levelling system is well done. This is truly imo, but this is the best usage of a levelling system I've seen so far. While the zombie get tougher, so get your weapons. No real progression here. BUT, your character get's skill beyond those +1 damage stuff. WIth time, new tactics emerge, which, with a careful approach, give you the upper hand in most encounters. But I've been playing the "Throwing guy", it might be a different coup of tea with a different character.

- Haven't tryed multiplayer yet

Bottom line:

Pirate the game (as there is no demo,afaik) and then buy it if you like it. I did it because I think Techland did a great job on a lot of things, considering they're still a "smallish" developer. Well, and they are polish, which influenced me maybe a bit into buying the game without trying it first.

I can't find any comparable game. L4D is totally different, so is Dead Rising. It's more like an Oblivion mod, due to the openess and the FPS melee mechanic.

30$ is a good deal,imo.

Edit: I might fix all the spelling sometime, maybe ...
Post edited October 25, 2011 by SimonG
You guys sold me on the game.

But I'm going to hold out for a few days, to see what Steam puts up for their annual Halloween sale. If I bought DI for 29.99 and then Steam turned around and offered it for 25 I'd be pissed. The game uses Steamworks to my knowledge, so it doesn't matter where I buy it, as long as I get the lowest price.
Who do you voodoo?
I'm enjoying the game. Probably the most unlikeable cast of PCs and NPCs in a long time though (except maybe Xian, because she's mostly quiet). I've heard the NPCs start getting less annoying in the act I'm about to head into though so hopefully that's true.
Post edited June 06, 2012 by Sinizine
Dead island:riptide due out next year apparently..
and possibly the next game that will be banned in germany :)

Would still enjoy the first one, if my gaming computer has not broken down :D
grynn: Who do you voodoo?

Anyway, for the love of your chosen deity, do not choose the gun woman. She is so useless. And because of her perks, I was like 10 levels ahead of my friends when nearing the end of the game :)

Choose Sam. Or Xian. Or the former egg-armpit ball man.
wodmarach: Dead island:riptide due out next year apparently..
Hopefully this time they hire someone who actually knows what Australians sound like -_- *smh*
shane-o: Hopefully this time they hire someone who actually knows what Australians sound like -_- *smh*
That's not too hard, just talk about throwing things on the barbie and how object X is not an X, object Y now that's an X.
Oh and make every statement sound like a question.
shane-o: Hopefully this time they hire someone who actually knows what Australians sound like -_- *smh*
Smannesman: That's not too hard, just talk about throwing things on the barbie and how object X is not an X, object Y now that's an X.
Oh and make every statement sound like a question.
Ha! XD I don't mind the stereotypical stuff, just the actual voice was completely wrong. It happens all the time. The Australian accent is very hard to emulate. I don't think I've ever heard it properly emulated. They always end up sounding like a New Zealander or something else entirely
shane-o: Ha! XD I don't mind the stereotypical stuff, just the actual voice was completely wrong. It happens all the time. The Australian accent is very hard to emulate. I don't think I've ever heard it properly emulated. They always end up sounding like a New Zealander or something else entirely
Ah that's terrible, having your nationality portrayed as a sheep sh*gger ;)
Dutch people are often confused with Germans in movies which grinds our gears as well.
Who was supposed to be the Aussie in Dead Island, Logan?
I kind of thought he was half-Samoan or something. :P
Smannesman: Ah that's terrible, having your nationality portrayed as a sheep sh*gger ;)
Dutch people are often confused with Germans in movies which grinds our gears as well.
Who was supposed to be the Aussie in Dead Island, Logan?
I kind of thought he was half-Samoan or something. :P
PMSL!!!!! New Zealand's reputation precedes them! XD

Yeah, some Dutch friends have mentioned the same thing as you. Ignorance is bliss to some

Ryder White (DLC) is supposed to as well as the female. I've only completed Ryder's campaign and just started the first blokes one