DaoJones: If you had a cap and this problem would occur, are you pretty much screwed and have to wait for the next month if you're about to hit the cap or maybe pay some absurd fee for going over?
Aliasalpha: Depends on the plan & the ISP, very few of them charge you by the meg now unless you request it, I suspect that they were getting into trouble and losing customers over it. Most of the time you're slowed to somewhere around 256kb/s but some still shape you to 65kb/s, neither of them is really practical for using the net nowdays, the 256 is borderline okay but with 64 you can't even load gmail before it times out
Indeed, i have a 40gb cap and i have gone over it a few times.
Funny thing is they sent me a letter to tell me if i didn't stop they would cap my internet but they sent it like a month later so i didn't know and had already gone over the limit in the next month aswell.
I still really dislike how sneaky ISPs can be, i have an 'Unlimited' Package but of course that nasty thing called 'Fair Usage Policy' is included which means a flat 40gb limit between 5pm-12am. I'm not sure if it's unlimited outside of those hours but i really don't want to test it and end up getting slowed down again.