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JRPGs: I hate how the combat is in those games and a lot of the stories are just weird to me. The only one that I liked was Chrono Trigger.

Racing: Boring

Fighting: I used to like a lot when I was younger and played with my brother, now they are just boring to me.

Sports: Boring

FPS: There are some that I like, but for the most part I just find shooting things over and over dull after a while. Sometimes I do play these types of games with my husband because that's a genre he really likes and it's fun playing with him.

Horror: I'll watch people playing scary games, but as far as me playing them I'm too much of puss lol.
F4LL0UT: But I have yet to see a single point & click adventure which consistently provides genuinely good puzzles and where they don't ever hurt the plot.
Have you tried the Submachine series on Kongregate (especially the later games, though it's kind of important to at least go through the early ones with a walkthrough, so you can pick up as many clues as you can as to what's happening. The plot develops through the game, but a significant portion of it is working out who you are, what you're doing here, and for that matter where 'here' is at all. In a manner of speaking, the puzzles are the plot. If you do try using a walkthrough for the early ones, I'd suggest starting actually playing at Submachine 4.

As for me, FPS, and similarly 'violent' titles. I've never got the appeal of charging round pretending to shoot at other people. It's not just the controls and mechanics, either: I enjoyed portal 2, which is (technically) an FPS, but doesn't involve shooting anyone (well, other than betraying your 'friend' in multiplayer and shooting a portal to death at their feet :P)
Post edited December 05, 2013 by pi4t
Well, there is no genre I really hate, but some I just do not like very much.

And the big number one is: MMORPGs
Classic RPGs are my favourite. I love them. Really.
But MMOs bore the hell out of me after one or two hours in the game. If you are someone who plays games to enjoy an amazing story, and the story in MMOs is usually so goddamn boring and uninteresting you will likely skip all dialog, then there is something wrong.
LiquidOxygen80: The Sims or games like The Sims. >.>
How far does that go? SimCity? SimAnt? Civ games? Settlers? Zeus? I'm not trying to be a smartass I'm serious; there is such a varying degree of sim games. I myself like sim games that I can change the realism of because I like sim games but I like them EXTREMELY laid back.
Sounds like I'm in the minority here.

1v1 Fighting: Most of the time I love them. Mortal Kombat 2, Killer Instinct, Soul Blade/Caliber/Edge etc. My roommate is #5 on SF4 for 360 and #6 for PS3.
Beat 'em Ups: Great games. I bought the original AVP arcade for a reason. I wish Final Fight was 2 player on SNES. I am a bad enough dude to save the president. My girlfriend and I just played through Turtles in Time last night.
Non-sim sports: Sure, lets play. NBA Jam TE, or Hyperblade. I'm all about decapitating someone before scoring a goal.
Sim racing: Definitely but most likely because I've built engines for car and bike racing. If you've never done auto cross or some sort of structured racing I can see how you wouldn't enjoy playing the games.
Non-sim racing: Absolutely. Someone mentioned Bullfrog's Hi-Octane which was one of my favorite games in high school. Break Neck Racing and Whiplash are quite possibly some of the best racing games ever.
Platformers: These are generally fun. I was playing Super Star Wars earlier in the week which is not one of my favorites but I've yet to find a Mario game I didn't like.
FPS: Best when played with friends goldeneye style. It's not uncommon for 4 of us to play Borderlands on 4 TVs in the same room. I'll play COD 4 or 6 the same way.
Sierra Quest: I can play space quest games all day without getting bored.
MMORPG: The girlfriend and I both play WoW now. Her latest upgraydd from cybermonday deals just arrived yesterday as a matter of fact.
RTS: I have many fond memories of RA2 over the last 10 years. Pretty much any of the command and conquers are great, especially if they have prism tanks.
JRPGs: Occasionally I get the hankering. Not sure how many people have played the good Final Fantasies.
Action RPGs: Things like the Zelda series are some of my favorite games.
Economy: I'll play some sim city games every now and then but these are probably some of my least enjoyed games.

Sim-sports: Not for me. I don't play sports and don't really enjoy watching sports. Super Tecmo Bowl is the exception.
Flight Sim: Unless it's a combat game like any of the Comanche games.
Puzzle games: Not really my thing either. The portal games are about as puzzly as I get and that's only because of my history with them.
I'm no fan of FPSs, thats fore sure. I can't really explain why.
Always a bit suprised how many GOGers dislike fighting games. It's such a hardcore genre and one that's been arond for so long. Seems like it should be more to you people's taste.

I dislike massively multiplayer games. Any multiplayer game that I can't simply jump into for a few short rounds or come back to after several months without having to settle in anew seems like too much of a chore or commitment to me.

Also, everything that's light on actual gameplay or requires grinding riles me big time.
Melvinica: I'm no fan of FPSs, thats fore sure. I can't really explain why.
I bet you get dizzy or you are really bad at aiming.
I am not a big fan of fighting games such as Tekken or Dead or Alive, but I can still find some level of enjoyment.
Not really bothered by the genre, more the style of the games themselves.

EDIT :: It is the interaction with other humans that bothers me, that is why I choose not to play WOW.
Post edited December 05, 2013 by 011284mm
Well i play RPGs and I use bows, crossbows and spells so my aiming is not so bad. I guess i'm more into fantasy than weapons.
Sports and racing games – good for a short diversion from deeper stuff, but I get bored from them quickly.

Sandbox games – they wow you with their vast open space and freedom to do "anything" you want, but you soon realise that there's only so much to do. Chopping wood and baking bread sound immersive at first, but you quickly see there's little point to it. And all quests are basically the same.

Platformers – fun at first, but then they get too difficult, and I grow frustrated instead of being entertained.
Most of them. Even the genres I do like have devolved into lesser things.
Charon121: Sports and racing games – good for a short diversion from deeper stuff, but I get bored from them quickly.
Actually, sports games are some of the most complex and challenging ones out there. There's little that rivals NBA2k or Football Manager in that regard.
Mentalepsy: Most of them. Even the genres I do like have devolved into lesser things.
That's deep.
Ivory&Gold: Actually, sports games are some of the most complex and challenging ones out there. There's little that rivals NBA2k or Football Manager in that regard.
Yeah, but they do get rather repetitive. I mean, there's only one set of rules, and only one way to win the match. It gets boring after a few matches, because you're only improving your skill, but not discovering anything new. Not to mention there's no story, and I'm a huge storyfag. ;)