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MMOs. A genre with the core concept of interacting with other people is the opposite of the kind of game I want to play...
Not a big fan of FPS games. I'll try them now and again, but rarely get very excited about them. Games with FPP in general turn me off though, as I just can't seem to orient myself well enough to know exactly where my character is. I keep running into things or falling off ledges. And I feel like I'm looking through a restricted-view helmet. Drives me crazy.

RTS games I'm pretty bad at so tend to not play them much, but I love the concept.

Not a fan of sports games.

Don't like fighting games.

Hack and slash games I don't generally seek out although there are definitely times when I find it relaxing to just go hack away at mobs.
Not crazy about sports games unless they play arcady, think Mutant League Hockey! I LOVE that game :D <3
I seem to be the first one to say 'bullet hell shooters' for some reason!
The majority of vertical and horizontal (floating, force scroll, non platform) shooters generally, 1942 and the rare 1 or 2 others like Slikworm were OK but so many, especially in arcades just seemed so damn samey! I'm completely 'meh' to Jamestown, for instance

1 on 1 fighters are funny because I hate 2D ones but love some of the 3D ones like Soul Calibur except for the 2D ones that predate SF2 like IK+ and Yie Ar Kung Ku - I hate the 'all about the random combo'-ness but there defiantly is something in fighting games when you take that away or tone it down

Oh rhythm games - Parapper, Space Channel 5, Guitar Hero - the whole lot, probably because I don't have any (rhythm that is) damn I'm so white!

AND skateboarding / Snowboarding games where the idea is to perform different tricks in different parts of the environment, find the best, most scoringest routes - hate all that!
Post edited December 05, 2013 by Fever_Discordia
Tower Defense, Hidden Object games and Free2Play are the genre's I hate.
RTS if i can't think about the next move for hours there is no strategy.
RPG's with useless grinding because the monsters are leveling up too.
Racing Sims, no fun for me, had enough realistic driving (top speed from last car i owned 320 km/h)
Austrobogulator: MMOs. A genre with the core concept of interacting with other people is the opposite of the kind of game I want to play...

Also most FPS (by this I mean 99% of them), cause they are stupid and boring, boring, booooring as hell. :p

And few other game types (like GTA, action-adventures, etc.)
Flashgames, sportsgames (don't even like it in real life), mmorpgs, hidden object games, stealthgames and games you constantly have to flee like in Clocktower (even if the atmosphere and story are great you can't enjoy them during a panic-stricken flight).
The vast majority of all sports games are boring as heck. The exception being racing games that take place on varied tracks, and where you don't need to drive too many laps on each. And Blood Bowl.

Platform-hell. These are games like IWBTG, where it mainly boils down to trial & error.

Minecraft-likes. I just don't have the patience for these.

Then there are genres where I dislike most games, but there are a couple of notable exceptions, like economic sims. I usually find them repetitive & boring, but some still manage to stand out, which manage to spice things up a bit.
Twitch shooters. Arrghh.
Realistic racing games. If I can't shoot missiles at the opposition, I don't see the point.

Sports games, but since I don't follow any sports.

Fighting games and RTS--I'm not interested in the multiplayer scene, and I find playing these by myself to be pretty dull.
This is easy:

MMORPGs: I can only reach lvl 20 at most, after that, it gets boring since I have to invest too much time online and making friends to be able to continue.
RTS: I don't like them because it's more about coordination than wits.
Fighting: Truth is I like fighting games, except for Killer Instict since it is the only fighting game I suck at.
Sports: I like sports game except for soccer games. It seems like my real life ability in soccer has been passed to the virtual world, too.
Point & Click Adventures.
Modern warfare / WWII / zombie apocalypse themed games, generally.
Anything where gameplay takes back seat to story. At best, they're worth playing once or twice if the story is interesting enough, but I'd rather read a book or watch a movie.

I would say sports games, but I did while away plenty of childhood hours with Blades of Steel on my bro's NES, despite not knowing jack about hockey beyond what's in that game, so I guess that depends.
Modern JRPGs:

What looked cute on SNES graphics can make you uncomfortable when it is portrayed in a more realistic fashion.

By the Book Shooters:

zzzzzz. Put in lightsabers, special powers, alien physics, cross-genre mechanics, anything, but Doom with a revamped physics engine pls.

Many Old Games:

I don't mind the dated graphics. Dated gameplay gets on my nerve more.

Say what you will about some Indy titles feeling retro, they are light years beyond the source material in terms of gameplay.

Most Sports Game:

Soccer games, basketball games, football games... I don't like to watch it in RL. What makes you think I'd like to manage it more?

I'll give hockey games a shot, I'm a Montrealer after all.

Ultra Realistic Racing Games:

With plain ultra-realistic race tracks. I bet you really enjoy your commute to work as well.

Pinball Games:

Enough, please. Even my gf who is a fan had enough.
Post edited December 05, 2013 by Magnitus
The Sims or games like The Sims. >.>