Leroux: Btw, there have been several threads like this in the past, I believe, and one thing I've noticed is that the dislikes are not equally distributed among the genres, instead there are several genres that are mentioned in every second post and others that hardly appear on anyone's "dislike" list (making e.g. RPGs look like the most popular genre of them all).
Good point, but many genres might have become meta-genres or über-genres which contain elements from many other genres.
I don't know what genre e.g. GTA clones are, but they feel like shooters, driving games, flight simulators, business simulations, even rhythm games etc. (which is why I am finding pure racing games less interesting nowadays).
Or RPGs like Icewind Dale or Baldur's Gate 2: the combat sometimes feels like a strategy (RTS) game, or the puzzle parts in BG2 feel like genuine adventure games, etc.
That reminds me:
6. Adventure games. I usually get fed up the first time I get stuck in some puzzle. These games don't flow that well for me, sometimes I'm stuck for several weeks in one point just due to some ridiculous puzzle. Hence, it is adventure games where I most often end up reading walkthroughs, In FPS and RPGs I do that only if I want to find all secrets or subquests.
And as implied above, I feel the adventure (puzzle) parts of pure adventure games are nowadays many times part of e.g. RPGs or even action games.