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scampywiak: Zombie games and military FPS. Unfortunately, both are by far the most popular. Will not die.
Nice pun there! +1 :D
While i dont exactly hate the genre, RL sports games usually totally suck. Soccer, icehockey, american football, golf ....i just havent been able to enjoy them since the eight bit soccer game that came with the first nintendo.

Then again, i really like Blood Bowl, so its not the "sports" aspect which i dont like. The mainstream RL sports just dont really get my interest.
The only game genre so far that I really didn't like is MOBA.
Just really can't get into it...
Though I do play with my friends sometimes, since they're pretty much near paid-professional level.
So they can cover my non-moba playing ass.
I would have to probably say the Sports Genre I don't really care for. It would really be low on my to play list and it would have to be a good quality sports game that's less than $5 to buy....Even then tho I'd have to think about it.
Fighting games, except for some random alcohol infused couch multiplayer match.
Can free-to-play be considered a genre? if so, then I choose that! I'm yet to play a free-to-play game that didn't get real greedy, real fast. Every single one would have been a better game if only it offered an upfront purchase without any of the in game purchasing crap.
Post edited December 07, 2013 by Cormoran
Shooters, hack and slash , platformers, RTS, action games.
scampywiak: Zombie games and military FPS. Unfortunately, both are by far the most popular. Will not die.
They have their place but it would be nice to see the fad die down for a couple years and let something else take the spot light for a while. I don't hate them, but there seems to be an over saturation of them. Of course I'm not too wild about fps anyways with a few exceptions. I'm also not too wild about management games either with the exception of Evil Genius. I don't hate either first person shooters nor management, but I could never get into them.

Sports Games - Not interested in sports in real life, and virtual form I'm still not interested in. Although I do like the World Heavyweight Boxing game (forgot the name of it) for the Sega Geneses, and NFL 96 for the SNES.

While I love RPGs, I hate RPGs that substitute challenge with grind fest. I find as I get older I have less patience for killing the same monsters over and over and over again. I accept that with all rpgs there is going to be some grinding involved, but I do not enjoy having to spend like an hour of my time in order to level up my party just so I can stand a chance in the next area. Oh and don't get me started on the cases where not only is it required to have to collect an x number of bear asses (apparently pristine ones) for the npc. A couple quests of this I don't mind but when the whole game seems to become a tedious grind-fest and I feel more like a errand-girl that is when I stop playing.

This was what made me stop playing Atlantica Online, the game became too tedious and it was not fun anymore. It also doesn't help when I don't feel like I'm getting involved with the world and connecting with the characters. In RPG's I need a good story and a reason to get emotionally invested in the game, and also more importantly to distract me from the grind.
deshadow52: secondly for those who have not played RE2 the game starts out literally with you in a street next to a dozen or so zombies so add that to the fact that the game has controls that takes sometime getting used to and you have my ten year old self watching Leon getting eaten alive by zombies.
This is exactly how my first meeting with the horror genre went, too! I borrowed RE2 from my sister's husband (I was eight at the time), started the game up, and got eaten alive! :D
However, while I was terrified of the game then, it also piqued my interest to the point where I one day realized I'd have to face my fears and just get into the genre again, to see if it was for me. So, the first survival horror game I played properly and finished was RE4, and I've been in love with the genre ever since. :) Still haven't finished RE2, though, but I'll get around to that eventually!

To answer the OP - it's not really about genres for me, but rather about gameplay. If the gameplay is "mindless" - that is, it requires little to no thinking on my part and is mainly about button-mashing and reflexes - I just won't like the game. Some genres are more mindless than others, so for the most part I can say that I generally won't like games in the following genres:

Bo - ring. If the whole point of the game is the action itself - such as the CoD series or Doom or Wolfenstein - no thank you, sir. But give me NOLF, which is definitely an FPS action game, but which ties in a superb story, great characters, lots of humor, and plenty of stealth (which means it's better to play it by surveying your surroundings and considering the best route of action rather than going in, guns blazing), and you got yourself one happy gamer here.

Sports games
Now, I know sports are very much about tactics and planning, but the gameplay itself is frantic and fast-paced, so it just doesn't work for me. That's also why I love TBS's, but won't play RTS's.

I play games to get away from the real world for a bit, not to spend even more time with real people. Besides, it totally ruins my immersion when I'm headed out to slay the dangerous dragon that's been eating villagers for the past few months with "SexyBabe69".

Casual games
You know, those mobile games that people are playing? Fruit Ninja, Temple Run, Candy Crush, etc? Nah. They're repetitive and boring. I did like Plants Vs. Zombies, but that's because it required a bit of planning and strategy.

Fighting\Arcade games
Button mashers. No thanks.

Hack'n'Slashers have always struck me as RPG games without all the cool RPG elements. It's stripped down to the bone, and all that's left is fighting and looting.
Grinding games are boring, too. It's like they're saying "so, the next step now is to go and slay that dragon on the other side of that mountain range, but first, kill 30 wolves!". You know what you're supposed to do and where you're supposed to go, but you have to stray from your path to go do something else that's totally unrelated to the story and to the progression of the game.

They're just too emo for me, and the art style usually looks ridiculous. If it weren't for those things I'd probably like them very much since they're heavily story-based and have fleshed-out characters and lots of role playing elements, but nah.

Racing games
Do I want to sit and hold the X button for minutes on end and shift the stick every now and again to steer a car? No, I don't.

I'm sure there are more genres that i generally don't like, but like I said, it's more about the "mind vs reflexes" thing for me rather than about genres in general. I can name games in most of the genres I've listed that I actually like very much.

Last, how the game plays technically can make or break a game regardless of whether it meets all my other criteria. That is, if its controls are horrible and cannot be remapped, I won't finish it. (Commandos 2 is a great example - it has about as many different actions and items as there are keys on the keyboard, and each action\item was mapped to its own key and could not be remapped, which left you with a whole lot of work in terms of memorizing the mapping before you could play the game seamlessly.) Older games also tend to be difficult to play sometimes, because they sometimes don't have any kind of tutorial, and their controls are a bit of a guesswork. I don't have time for that stuff - if you won't teach me how to play your game, I won't play it, because there are better ways for me to spend my time than to decipher game mechanics.

So yeah. That turned out way longer than I meant for it to. :D
Real Time Strategy

Fighting games (like Mortal Combat, etc)

Sports games

I like at least a few games from every other category I can think of.
Fighting games (Mortal Combat, Street Fighter)

JRPGs ( Final Fantasyc)

Other than that, I particularly like most other game genres. Genres I enjoy the most are Sports, RPGs, and Indies.
Simulation (both vehicle and management, exception made for space "sims")
Strategy (except AoW & HoMM style turn based fantasy)
Match 3 unless backed by a good narrative and / or RPG elements (love Puzzle Quest style games)
Post edited December 08, 2013 by kalirion
scampywiak: Zombie games and military FPS. Unfortunately, both are by far the most popular. Will not die.
There are other genres I dislike but I definitely agree.
Flight Sims ;-)
tinyE: Everyone who posts that they don't like RTS is because they don't like to be rushed, and I'm a little confused. I HATE to be rushed but I found that depending on the title it's easy to avoid constantly being rushed.
Depends on the RTS. If the game lets me freely slow down the gameplay speed any time I want (e.g. Starcraft), I don't really feel rushed, even if the particular mission was about having to e.g. build up defenses fast for the incoming enemy, or destroy the enemy in a given time.

Then there were games like Warcraft 3 which didn't let me freely change the game speed... ack.

I think the main thing that interests me in RTS games is the Lego syndrome, ie. first building up something, and then you get to smash it down. Or even better, you can keep your own Lego castle intact, and go smash your friend's castle to bits. This urge to build up/smash down is encoded into every male's genetic code.

Hence I prefer base-building and resource-gathering RTS games, to the RTS games where you have only certain number of units. I generally disliked the Starcraft special missions where you didn't have a base and couldn't produce more units.