Mr.Caine: I hope you realize that keys,cards,skins,crates-all that shit is in no way,shape or form mandatory.
I hope you realize this shit both informs the community AND gets in one's face.
Easy example: when I launch Steam, I see their fucking ads. I don't want to see them, the only reason I ever had to launch the client was to perform an action they decided not to implement in the web version because they wanted me to install their rootkit on my pc for the privilege of paying them $3 or so.
A non-videogame example. I still have a piece of paper for a navigator because I don't like that the electronic kind comes with facebook and twitter sharing. Just no, double no, fuck no, I don't want to pay $800 for an unprogrammable computer that's going to market disgusting shit to me on my own tenkopeikas each time I use it.
Similarly, I don't want a store to track which games I play, how many times I launch them, how long I play, I don't want them to sell my information,
and sure as fuck I don't want them to grade my fucking performance because I'm not at fucking school! tldr steam sux hail gog hail hail hail yes