Psyringe: I watched the video, and I haven't seen this "Jimquisition" before, but is it too far fetched if I say that this guy comes across as a terrible prick of whom I'd really not care to watch more stuff?
He's an arrogant prick, but he's an arrogant prickl who has a rather uncanny knack of being right much of the time, often flying in the face of common popular PC gaming views.
Jim Sterling is the guy people quote when pretty much everyone else - including TB - just goes along with the popular bandwagon view and gets it wrong.
amok: Always do your research before you buy a game. It is not the outlets responsibility, it is solely your own.
You don't seriously believe that do you? Any shop that you buy from, regardless of the product, is responsible for delivering what it markets at point of sale.
This claim that Valve is somehow not responsible for what it sells on its storefront is the very embodiment with everything that is wrong with PC gaming today.
Johnathanamz: This Steam Early Access stuff VALVe introduced to Steam pisses me off because video game development companies used to pay people to test their video games until they finished developing the video game to release it for sale.
That's not the only problem, to be honest. The Early Access tag is increasingly being used to skirt around the obligation to provide a working product, and many games have remained in a effectively perpetual Early Access state so that their developers can liberate themselves of any moral or legal obligations.
Case in point: Dejobaan's Ugly Baby, which has been a pre-release game since before Early Access even existed. I actually bought it back in 2010, and very little has been done on it to this day.