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At work - psst, don't tell the boss! - I've fallen into playing puzzle-type games during downtime as they're not too distracting. I finally beat (after how many years?) World of Goo! No, I'm not doing the ridiculous OCD challenges. =P

Now I'm onto Tetrobot and Co. Had this one for quite some time, and as far as I can recall I even made it halfway through before being distracted by some other game years ago. Well, now I'm giving it a second shot and I've already completed a quarter of it. That unlimited undo button is a godsend; I couldn't imagine having to restart levels over and over again. It's pretty fun overall.

As for playing at home, I guess I'm doing my second run ever of Bioshock after 8 or 9 years or so. Quite fun. Runs well too, and I actually quite like the added detail and sharpness of the remaster. Suck it, naysayers!
Trying Aquanox for the 1st time. No real views on Aquanox yet.
Mostly playing morrowind and it's easier now that i found out where the scamp is buying my loot.
It's cool that i found a glass shield and ebony full helm but i am a medium armor wearer and sold one of the loot i found.
I actually found those during the main quest looking for some bow from some ancestor ghost, but i found a secret door under the water that led me to the expensive stuff. Also found another medium armor in water with pretty high armor rating think it was 89 for some cuirass
Also played a lot of x beyond the frontier and i really wish i would have known that i needed a hornet rocket before i found the asteriod with unknown mineral so lots of backtracking hope my 2 factories made some profit.
dragon age origins.
Mostly playing Cuphead. It's definitely a good challenge. I just started the third island last night.

Also playing Star Trek: Judgment Rites, which is a bit more of a traditional adventure game compared to 25th Anniversary. Last episode hit me with a pixel-hunting puzzle, and the Trelane episode is basically all fetch quests. It's kind of wild to hear William "Get a Life" Shatner voice-acting something like this.
I've been playing Smash Bros. Ultimate daily with my sister.
Hankering for a good grand strategy type game, I decided to buy Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game.

Well, starting my first game as Britain circa 1936, everything looked interesting with lots of options and stuff to manage, including some diplomacy options I couldn't resist trying.

One of them was the option to "claim" the territories of other countries, so just for a laugh I decided to lay claim to the whole of Germany. My second click in the same menu was to then "demand" Germany cede me all their territories... and they did! Adolf Hitler just decided to hand over his country to Britain, no fuss, no battles, Germany became another part of the British Empire.

Thinking that I might have just happened across a random bug, I decided to repeat the same process with Spain and the same thing happened. They handed over all of mainland Spain, the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands, keeping only Ceuta and Melilla in North Africa. Guess the Republic decided handing everything over to Britain before Franco came to the fore, was the better option...

All in all, hugely disappointed at encountering something so poor, in what I was led to believe was supposed to be a really good strategy game, that it prompted me to uninstall. Fifteen minutes playing, glaring issues immediately apparent, to me wiping the game off my system with frustration. That's got to be a personal best.
A bit of Don't Starve together with a buddy. DST is way, way more difficult than Reign of Giants :P We're kind of stumped on how to deal with Deerclops when he finally arrives. Thinking we'll lure him away from the base and use a panflute we found to put him to sleep. Hopefully then he'll kind of forget about us
Guess I'll restart Uncharted 4. But I had an idea to try sports betting What do you think about it?
Post edited December 23, 2018 by reddevil5
Sims 3...kind of.

Trying to decide on what DLCs to buy first. I can really afford all of them at once.
Going to start ELEX.
I also have to finish Tyranny, although I'm not that eager to meet the Bane again.
But above all else, I can't stop thinking about The Last of Us... There's something in that game...
i play sid meiers pirates! for few weeks already and really enjoy the game with ega graphics from 1987!!!! :D :D :D

no need of further comment..
At this very moment, the witcher 2.
Last finished: Dishonored - Death of the Outsider
Currently playing: Doom 2016, Age of Decadence
and will probably start Shadwen or LiS Before the Storm next.
For two days I have mostly been playing Cossacks:Back to War.