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The Last of Us Remastered. It could've been an outstanding game...
Playing the Uncharted series, started with 5 two weeks ago.
2 and 5 were amazing, I liked 5 a bit more, the gameplay felt smoother, though 2 had the better cast.
1 was kinda meh. Will start 3 and 4 in a couple days probably, really hope both games are good.
Some games to tests my new GPU, not much since I can't stomach vast majority of new games, especially AAA ones (99% are unplayable for me, instaborefest).
Shadow Warrior 2 (thanks GOG), Road to the North (yet another STALKER Call of chernobyl + Misery combo, this time with quests!, and women!), Battlefield 4 and 1, Day of Infamy, Rising Storm 2 - Vietnam....
Not much.

Games to play for real?
Thief 2X HD - some objects like fish boxes looks like modern carboard fish containers, weird.
Fallout Nevada Crazy Edition, this time for real,Titan Quest - Ragnarok (surprisingly good), Tomb Raider 3 (last game from old trilogy to beat), Secret Files Tunguska (simple but somewhere in the sequels story goes full bonkers, with UFO and stuff).
Post edited December 15, 2018 by SpecShadow
Now playing Grim Fandango Remastered.

I haven't decided yet if I love or hate Glottis.

Hay te guacho!
Post edited December 15, 2018 by ConsulCaesar
Forza Horizon 4
Prince of Persia (the original one)
Supaplex (It's freeware so hopefully it'll get more exposure via GOG release)
Guess I'll restart Far Cry 2. Should I play as the Irish guy again?

And why isn't there a way to skip that opening cut scene!?!? That thing is ridiculous!
am2r. got those walking metroids and they keep fucking me up big time.
Finished The Last of Us. To say I'm disappointed would be an understatement.
Thinking about resuming Tyranny. Or maybe it's time for something else.
patrikc: Finished The Last of Us. To say I'm disappointed would be an understatement.
Thinking about resuming Tyranny. Or maybe it's time for something else.
the last of us is one of the most overrated games in existence. it has some of the worst gameplay and controls ever devised.
patrikc: Finished The Last of Us. To say I'm disappointed would be an understatement.
Thinking about resuming Tyranny. Or maybe it's time for something else.
swsoboleski89: the last of us is one of the most overrated games in existence. it has some of the worst gameplay and controls ever devised.
I agree. As I previously said, it could've been a very good game, but the gameplay completely ruins the experience.
Playing Dragon Quest 3 (SFC version with translation patch). Encountered some Shadowers in Garuna Tower, which are one of the strangest enemies in any RPG. A Shadower, when encountered, will mimic a randomly chosen enemy, which can create interesting results.

1. A couple Shadowers appeared, casting Firebane (Sizzle in modern DQ translations). This ended up killing two of my characters, so I had to leave and pay resurrection fees. (I'm guessing they were Garudas.)

2. A Shadower appeared. It cast Surround (IIRC; Dazzle in modern DQ translations) and the Staff of Thunder (casts Firebane) didn't work on it. Once I killed it, I got over 1,000 gold, which is an unusually large amount for one battle at this point. (It had to be a Jewel Bag; the only other enemy that drops that much gold doesn't use magic IIRC, and doesn't appear until late, so my level is probably not high enough for the Shadower to mimic it.)
Finished Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II yesterday. Was (obviously) a big improvement over the prequel. What really bothered me was that the textures often didn't fit the level architecture (in the way that makes it possible to stand in mid-air or not make a jump because the textures don't cover the walls enough). You could also get stuck in a level without the possibily to escape (or die), forcing you to reload.
Playing Star Wars Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith now. Looks like an addon without any work put into it so far.
None. After a little gaming craze, falling back into a phase of "videogames? videogames? boring stuff, who still plays videogames ?".

Buying a few games for the next phase.
Lucumo: Finished Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II yesterday. Was (obviously) a big improvement over the prequel. What really bothered me was that the textures often didn't fit the level architecture (in the way that makes it possible to stand in mid-air or not make a jump because the textures don't cover the walls enough). You could also get stuck in a level without the possibily to escape (or die), forcing you to reload.
Playing Star Wars Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith now. Looks like an addon without any work put into it so far.
have you played any other games in this series or are you going in order?
Lucumo: Finished Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II yesterday. Was (obviously) a big improvement over the prequel. What really bothered me was that the textures often didn't fit the level architecture (in the way that makes it possible to stand in mid-air or not make a jump because the textures don't cover the walls enough). You could also get stuck in a level without the possibily to escape (or die), forcing you to reload.
Playing Star Wars Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith now. Looks like an addon without any work put into it so far.
tinyE: have you played any other games in this series or are you going in order?
Played Jedi Knight 2 and Jedi Academy back in the day. Played Dark Forces last week, this week the sequel and now the addon. Series completed after that. Usually, I just go chronologically.