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dirtyharry50: Then why keep feeding the troll?
Well it did take about ~250 posts for him to admit it. I had no evidence to prove he was trolling before (never ascribe to malice..) but now.. we have his confession.

Indeed, he should now be reported to GOG for breaking their Code of Conduct.. but I'm not sure if it should be someone other than me that does it as I am not impartial..

dirtyharry50: I don't see the argument having ended at all. It was still going as of what I wrote just now which was why I wrote it.
The argument itself may not have ended, but the person who went "back and forth about that for this long" has stopped. jamotide set impossible conditions for proving him wrong, so there is no point continuing the argument.

dirtyharry50: Anyway, I'd rather be part of a solution hopefully than the problem so I don't want to argue about anything really. I put up a Suggestion to remove the rep system and replace it with a post count and I made a post telling people the vote item is there if they are interested, etc. From here on in, the people and the powers that be at GOG will decide what goes on. I cannot have any further impact than to try what i just tried.
The scary thing is that a lot of people have given up trying to be part of the solution because the problem isn't the rep system, it's the people abusing it.
Nice, now qouting me out of context, what cheap technique is next? I only said that to illustrate to you that people are likely to do stupid stuff if it doesnt take hours.

The full quote was:

"And no, just because someone invests 20 minutes to annoy someone, it does not logically follow that they would also invest 200 minutes to do it. Look, I invested 20 minutes in this thread to annoy you, but when it becomes 200 minutes maybe on page 120 or so, then you can call me crazy. So, don't back down, we can do it together!"
jamotide: Nice, now qouting me out of context, what cheap technique is next? I only said that to illustrate to you that people are likely to do stupid stuff if it doesnt take hours.

The full quote was:

"And no, just because someone invests 20 minutes to annoy someone, it does not logically follow that they would also invest 200 minutes to do it. Look, I invested 20 minutes in this thread to annoy you, but when it becomes 200 minutes maybe on page 120 or so, then you can call me crazy. So, don't back down, we can do it together!"
How does the context change the statement "I invested 20 minutes in this thread to annoy you"?
Oh so not understand that is really your defense for the use of these cheap tactics. Own goal really. Try to carefully read again, while keeping in mind rethorical techniques to illustrate points. Come on, you can do it!
jamotide: Oh so not understand that is really your defense for the use of these cheap tactics. Own goal really. Try to carefully read again, while keeping in mind rethorical techniques to illustrate points. Come on, you can do it!
You didn't say "Look, if I had invested 20 minutes", you said "Look, I invested 20 minutes".

So you said:

"Just because I have invested 20 minutes to annoy you so far, doesn't mean I would invest 200 minutes to annoy you".

EDIT: Fixed misquote.
Post edited July 29, 2013 by xyem
"Well....I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 hundred more..."
Ok thanks for correcting me again. Next time I'll be sure to get my "if"s in properly to preempt any insults. Just like I falsely said hours instead of accounts once and promptly got accused of changing the issue. Congratulations, you are the master posting disector.
You are still wrong about your crazy theory,though, no matter what a terrible person I am.
jamotide: Oh so not understand that is really your defense for the use of these cheap tactics.
Cheap tactics like this?

When you have something you can take to be support for you:

jamotide: It seems to be really hard for you to come to terms with being wrong and having other people realise that and downvote your inane posts.
But when people actually speak out against you?

jamotide: I can't believe you people are so desperately trying to defend it with semantics, crazy people, mental disorders and theoretical possibilities just to help your forum buttbuddy.
So if they support you, they are sane, reasonable people!
But if they support me, they are sycophant forum buttbuddies!
Can I still be a test subject?

If so, am I going to be paid for it?

I was not able to read the whole topic (only until my page 15/20) but got tired.

Well, at least I don't have to pay to be a test subject.

BTW, will this track the rep I had at a certain day and certain time or just at a certain day?

If you will include the time, which Time Zone would you use, local or a default one?

Has you notice any side effects on any of the other test subjects?

Well, those are all the questions I have, so far. Maybe I will have more doubts later.
Yes well done, you are really good at picking out quotes to insult someones persona.

Now how about just admitting it is extremely unlikely, that someone would make 100 accounts to shave points of pointless rep when it can be done with 5 to 10 accounts?
Bleh, forum just ate this post. Retyping..

jamotide: Ok thanks for correcting me again. Next time I'll be sure to get my "if"s in properly to preempt any insults. Just like I falsely said hours instead of accounts once and promptly got accused of changing the issue. Congratulations, you are the master posting disector.
I pay attention. It is not my fault if you do not.

People can decide for themselves if they think it was just a "mistyping" (right after I had called you up on it before..) or an admission of trolling. Considering that you called it "fun":

jamotide: Edit: You obviously got downrepped by people who don't feel like getting into a 10 page argument with you when they explain to you why. For me its fun, but other people have lives.
.. makes me believe it wasn't a mistyping and you were trolling.

jamotide: You are still wrong about your crazy theory,though, no matter what a terrible person I am.
You're not a terrible person, as far as I know. I don't hold a high opinion of you, that's for sure, but you actually have to harm other people or advocate harm to be "terrible" in my book.
jamotide: Now how about just admitting it is extremely unlikely, that someone would make 100 accounts to shave points of pointless rep when it can be done with 5 to 10 accounts?
It is unlikely. I never said it wasn't ..?
Post edited July 29, 2013 by xyem
Come on, this is really shameful,even for you. Now you imply that me having fun with this conversation makes me a troll? Why would you insult me like that.
Don't you have fun here, why would anyone even post here this much if it is not fun? This is a game site after all.I come here for fun.
FFS guys, stop it -.-
low rated
jamotide: Come on, this is really shameful,even for you. Now you imply that me having fun with this conversation makes me a troll? Why would you insult me like that.
I refuse to speak with you any further on the grounds that you do not read what I write.
Post edited July 29, 2013 by xyem
Mentao: Can I still be a test subject?
Yup. As long as you post in this topic, your rep will be logged.

Mentao: If so, am I going to be paid for it?
No. I don't have that much money (unfortunately).

Mentao: I was not able to read the whole topic (only until my page 15/20) but got tired.
Milk, cookies and a bed are available to those who have read any significant portion of the thread.

Mentao: BTW, will this track the rep I had at a certain day and certain time or just at a certain day?
The script downloads the topic and extracts each users rep at 15 minute intervals so the recording starts at the first interval after you post.

Mentao: If you will include the time, which Time Zone would you use, local or a default one?
All data is recorded against UTC to allow for easy conversion to any timezone.

Mentao: Has you notice any side effects on any of the other test subjects?
Yes. An invesigation of this is in progress as it seems to be a unique reaction.

Hope that answers all your questions :)