snowkatt: the theme i was referring to is that they are all infinity engine games
and i just cant get along with that engine
Antimateria: Infact infity works a lot more than other old games. Those controls is what I usually is bad for me.
I'm getting old goddamnit. I'm not as fast what I was..
Hmm.. I'm more powerful and more assholish tough, so it makes it even. =P
Edit: *playes an really old game* "press that button" Me: "I don't even knoew what it is in this europe keyboard, you press a f*kinc button"
Then I usually lose.
Control-wise, I actually find the IE engine to be, in many ways, worse control-wise than many games that predate it. One particularly good example is movement. In Ultima 6, you use the arrow keys to move, and (assuming party mode) your party stays together. Simple, but works well. (You can switch to solo mode if you want to send one character off on her own, or combat mode if you actually do want everyone to act independently (or just want to hear that nice battle music).)
In the IE games, however, you move by clicking where you want to go. The problem is that this puts you at the mercy of the game's pathfinding routine, which can be a problem if the game's pathfinding is bad, which it is in the IE games. Even worse, your characters move independently rather than as a unit, so it is easy for the party to get separated, and, of course, this could result in a character encountering an enemy alone. Add the fact that the game has a lot of traps that are triggered by walking in certain spots, and you have a real mess. (In U6, you could easily walk around such a trap; in the IE games, you have to fight the game's pathfinding to do so.)