Current Situation: 3 TURNS LEFT TO ESCAPE Cassandra's Throne Room: Gertrude lays in the grass, black blood trickling from the corner of her mouth.
She starts laughing. Tanea's sleep spell fails to connect twice. Gertrude fires a lightning bolt toward her but is intercepted by BenKii saving her life. BenKii is critically wounded. Tanea stabs the Hag and kills her for good. A crackling energy fills the glade and a shaft of light reaches down to hit the ground just behind the cauldron. Where before stood 8 giant rats are now 8 wide-eyed Halfling children. Cassandra walks to BenKii and heals him to full health. The battle is won. The way out awaits the adventurers.
Current Actions Summary: 25 - BenKii - BenKii - Human Warrior I thank Cassandra for healing me and search the crowd for Tanea. I rush to her and hug her. I speak, "Tanea! I thought I'd lost you. Thank goodness you're all right." I confess my love for the young halfling shaman and wait to see if she says the same. If she does, I give her a passionate Captain's kiss.
If she doesn't then this is going to be awkward >_> ; I would then say, "I understand. Friends then. I'm just relieved you're alright.". Regardless of how the love confession goes, I turn to Cassandra and speak, "I'm glad we were able to help you defeat your sister and free these kids from that rat curse. I suppose that shaft of light is the way out of this dungeon? Or was there some other method of leaving this place?" After Cassandra answers me, I turn back to Tanea and speak, "You know, Starfleet could use someone with your talents out there exploring the galaxy. You could come with me. There are many wonders of the universe waiting to be discovered. What do you think? Want to go on another adventure of a lifetime?" I respect any decision she makes. If she wants to give me back the Tricorder, I tell her, "You can keep it as a reminder of our adventure in this dungeon together." Wherever Cassandra directed us to go to leave the the dungeon, I head for that direction and bid farewell to all my fellow adventurers before walking through the portal.
58 - FlockeSchnee - Tanea - Halfling Shaman -- ( Summoned Ice Elemental ) 1. Tanea gets into "protective mother goose mode":
She will stay alert to any possible danger, especially but not exclusively towards the kids, and use her spells "Sleep" and "Entangle" and "Dispel Magic" (depending on potential threats) as needed.
Protection priority: a) Kids b) Cassandra (because she can heal and stuff but maybe isn't all that good to defend herself?) c) BenKii / Roy / Strigon / Yeenwi d) Herself
2. Tanea says to Strigon and BenKii with a wide, warm smile and a little bow to each: "Thank you, Strigon." "Thank you, BenKii."
3. Tanea shooes the kids away from the dead Hag and if noone else makes sure Gertrude stays dead, Tanea will try her best with the knowledge she has (biology and anatomy) to sever Gertrude's head with the bone dagger while making a disgusted face (mutilating the dead isn't something she thought she would ever do), because she doesn't want to have her kill anyone ever again.
4. Tanea gathers the kids and asks them their names and where they live and what happened to them.
5. Tanea asks the Ice Elemental to return with Shins and the painting into the clearing as it seems to be save now. Should that change at any point, she will let the Ice Elemental know so it can/will remain hidden/retreat between the trees again.
6. Tanea asks Cassandra: "Why didn't you just tell us about the children? How did any of you end up in here? Surely you are powerful too. What do you know about these paintings (showing her the one tattooed on her arm now -and if he is already there, the one the Ice Elemental is holding too)? And do you know anything about this necklace (pointing to the one she is wearing)? Where does this shaft of light lead? Is it safe for all of us to use?"
(EDIT to 6.) "Where are your other sisters?"
7. If at any time BenKii confesses his feelings and/or invites Tanea to join his travels:
"I thought the worst when that lightning bolt hit you ... I'm glad Cassandra was there, otherwise ... You are okay, that is all that matters now." Smiling brightly. "I'm very glad to have met you. But ... you and Cassandra talking about the stars in this strange way ..." Pulling that thing out (that was supposed to make some noise) and looking at it again: "You are from very far away, aren't you? What I'm feeling, isn't that kind of love. We know very little about each other - and each others world, I assume. All I know right now, is that I need to go home ... and you will go somewhere else. I don't know what this galaxy and universe are, you keep talking about, but I think one must be as brave as you to travel them, which I'm not. My place is here." Laughing a little: "I barely know my own world. Maybe I should try get to know it better ... and maybe we will meet again. I wonder who we will be then." Indicating "that thing" to BenKii: "Do you need ... this back? What is it? Is it dangerous? How does it work?" (If he doesn't need/want it back and it's not dangerous, Tanea will gladly keep it as a reminder for bravery and courage ... and unexpected journeys and encounters.
4 - sasuke12 - Strigon - Drow Necromancer -- (Protection from Acid, Death Armour, Levitate) I Strigon, drow necromancer, says "you are welcome" to Tanea.
I am still very careful about my surrounding area and the unknown forest. I don't think we are clear from danger just yet.
I tell all my teammates to be super vigilant.
We are not sure if any other hag or monster shows up just yet.
74 - runnerex - Yeenwi - Drow Necromancer -- ( Death Armour, Levitate[not levitating right now] ) After looking for something helpful for the fight with the Hag, but finding gold and silver instead, Yeenwi offers some to his companions. Then, slowly and with a smile to avoid frightening them, turns to each Halfling child and offers them a trinket or two as well. Finally, he turns to Cassandra and offers her some as well, saying to her:
"Please accept this as a token of remembrance of our victory over your evil sister. Now that she is defeated, do you mind answering a few questions about the paintings: the one with the Golden Dragon someone burned, the one now on Tanea's arm and the other with the Elemental? What was the prophecy exactly and how is Tanea's necklace connected to it?"
"Most importantly, what is this shaft of light? Where did it come from and where does it lead? Is it safe to go through and do we have to do something special before entering? Is it the exit from this madness?"
38 - ZyloxDragon - Roy Jenks - Half-Orc Battemage -- ( Protection from Elements, Magic Shield, Reflect Spells ) Roy is still going to keep an eye around the area, above, below, and to the sides. Speaking to Cassandra, "What will you now do elf?"
Haven't taken turn yet: 76 - Lemon_Curry - Shins A'Hoy - Halfling Thief