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Our RPG Month is still in full swing and to keep the spirit of adventure alive, we're running a special Darkest Dungeon contest. Just enter by telling us what you like about roguelikes for a chance to win the game with all the DLCs and the official softcover art book!

You have time to join until September 27th, 3 PM UTC.
Most games guarantee success, so you never really achieve it. In roguelikes, you earn it, it's real.

Roguelikes have actual consequences to your actions. Every decision matters, and it can all go to **** with one wrong one.

When I turn a corner and see a dragon or something big, it's a pants-crapping moment. It fulfils the fantasy of all those books and movies I saw growing up. When I see a dragon or something big in most other games, all I see is a bigger goblin.
I like to be surprised in games, and roguelikes are the genre that allows for the most surprises due to their random/procedural content generation - though some titles are better at this than others.
What I like about roguelikes is definitively the difficulty and the permanent death system. Always loved difficult games, push my boundaries, face a good challenge and when I play a roguelike I know I will get that.
This kind of game can look really difficult at the beginning, but with every playthrough get further, yet is not the game that gets easier with time, is you the one that goes through a process of learn, adapt and overcome, you are the one who gets better and better. It's like learning a new skill, complicated but with practice and learning from your mistakes, you improve, you change and that feels super satisfying, something that roguelikes understand very well and why I like them!!!!
Post edited September 17, 2021 by KetobaK
I like roguelikes, because even my old crappy ass laptop can usually run them well.
avatar Our RPG Month is still in full swing and to keep the spirit of adventure alive, we're running a special Darkest Dungeon contest. Just enter by telling us what you like about roguelikes for a chance to win the game with all the DLCs and the official softcover art book!

You have time to join until September 27th, 3 PM UTC.
I like the customization opportunities.
Hello !

The first thing I enjoy about roguelikes is that they remind me of when I was a kid, they give me a template to keep imagining a story just like I used to. I enjoy the variety of equipements which can then have a made-up story behind them as I loot them. They are easy to go back to when you have some time off. Replayability is a wonder. With the genre being very common, the devs tend to insert crazy new mechanics and that is great, I'm definetly onto these for gameplay.
I like that you can spend a lot of hours playing, the ratio gameplay/money. And you can play some minutes every day without loosing the plot.
I like that the experience they generate is unique for each playthrough and player.
And they are the only games where choices are truly meaningful and risks are real.
And permadeath can be very fun! They probably provide more ways to die than most games in the market.
Try different builds
You will learn from your mistakes
Get better, or not
My favorite part of Roguelikes is the feeling of slowly becoming more powerful as new skills/abilities are unlocked through unique iterations of the game. I also enjoy the fact that often times in Roguelikes, you can develop multiple builds that are unique (due to chance) to that run and often force you to play dynamically outside of your "comfort zone".
The neverending pain of eternal dying. But with each resurrection to get one step further. So one day you will reach rewarding end.
The eternal, painful, maddening cycle of suffering. Defy death only to try again and again until absolute power and bloodlust are your only purposes.

I'a Azathoth!
Post edited September 17, 2021 by Red Fury
Replay value and difficulty.
You do what you have to do, what you always do: turn death into fighting chance to live.
Couldn't stop myself but this quote pretty much sums up roguelike experience for me. Plus not having much time for a single sitting it's just good to simply go through a short session of roguelike.
Every playthrough is a new adventure, a new story, with new characters and twists. Even if the "story" o adventure itself i the same, they add so much value to this one adventure and its core themes are so plastic, that you can create new stories everytime you play it.

In a RPG usually you make choices by dialog or combat, here your choices are inherent to the game, are part of the mechanics, so you don't think you are making choices, is almost as if the characters themselves are making the coices, and you are just watching everything unfold.