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Our RPG Month is still in full swing and to keep the spirit of adventure alive, we're running a special Darkest Dungeon contest. Just enter by telling us what you like about roguelikes for a chance to win the game with all the DLCs and the official softcover art book!

You have time to join until September 27th, 3 PM UTC.
I really like the never ending replayability of the roguelikes and the learning experience that happens with every team I send out so that I can tweak until I get the right strategy and party dynamics figured out. The randomness of the dungeons is a big plus as well.
I love the fear that comes with them, particularly when it's a grim setting. Permadeath changes how you play a game. Resource management. Each round of combat. Everything hangs in the balance. What's around the next corner can evoke a real dread that's just not possible with extra lives/continues/save spamming.
avatar Our RPG Month is still in full swing and to keep the spirit of adventure alive, we're running a special Darkest Dungeon contest. Just enter by telling us what you like about roguelikes for a chance to win the game with all the DLCs and the official softcover art book!

You have time to join until September 27th, 3 PM UTC.
There's just something about roguelikes that even when you fail you still progress and there's always a chance for something new to come about even as the game is more or less the same.
I love the replay value, the different builds on every run, and for darkest dungeon specifically I love the relationship between risk and reward.
I like how it adds thrill and dynamics to the game, making the matter of every decision. Without the guarantee that your character will survive till the end of the game, it adds some spiciness to the game that you need sometimes.
I like to see how my characters can improve and conquer areas which weren't possible earlier. Of course, there is a lot of dying... but there is also a lot of learning and looking for ways to get the most out of a character or party.
What I like about roguelikes is that they don't like me. Oh, the pain, feels so good...
The satisfaction of knowing that all of the progression comes from improvements in my own skill
It's simple... old-school!
In roguelikes I like how they encourage trying out different things, or mastering the builds that you focus on. Everything is possible. You can never be assured that all areas will be easy, eventually the game will throw something at you that will be hard to chew. This means, roguelikes keep you on your toes at all times!
I like the idea of a continuous drive for completion, with the help you didn't have last time to improve on what you know now.
Post edited September 20, 2021 by FirionFighter
Personally, I've loved the rogue-like genre since Rogue originally came out! The best thing is that they are HARD! They make you think and be proactive instead of simply reactive... Especially in the modern day gaming world, most games are designed to be easy. Once you play them through they then no longer hold any interest in a replay. Even a halfway decent rogue-like can hold interest and replay value for a very, very long time... If you do ever get to the "end" or even sometimes just tackling a difficult milestone, the feeling of accomplishment is amazing.
As long as the gameplay is good, the nice thing about roguelikes is revealing both the mechanics and the meta-story gradually over several playthroughs.
Sometimes it's relaxing to play a rogue-like game, where there are no real consequences past the next hour or so. (Unlike normal RPGs or MMOs.) Even if smashing your head against a wall isn't always relaxing.
It's a rogue gameplay - the WOW moment is very important. I remember first time i played Darkest Dungeon even after Youtube videos that the f***** crit on 3rd level destroyed my roster mentaly and 1 died instantly. :D

The SHOCK was real!

Hopefull the second entry will have more suprises at later strages of the game aswell so we can revisit the WOW moments.