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Our RPG Month is still in full swing and to keep the spirit of adventure alive, we're running a special Darkest Dungeon contest. Just enter by telling us what you like about roguelikes for a chance to win the game with all the DLCs and the official softcover art book!

You have time to join until September 27th, 3 PM UTC.
The thing i love the most is that they are so replayable, every choice in equipment, skills and use of objects can change the time you'll survive, and that after every round you gather experience that will enable you to survive longer next time you play it.
Every new run i get to try to improve my strategy based on the new dynamics awarded to me.
Roguelikes are great to actually allow me to enjoy a game. Instead of worrying about doing things in-optimally; the very philosophy of a roguelike forces me to fully enjoy and take advantage of situations and build ideas I never would have taken in a standard continuous or linear style game. Mix that with the ability to absolutely destroy some game mechanics through unintentional interactions, and you have an endless recipe for fun.
Roguelikes create unique tales every run. They do this with a good ruleset, even more than other games, which have more tools at their disposal (like precrafted story, characters, maps).
My Favorite thing about the roguelikes is that you can add new partners to your party despite the difficulty
What I love about Roguelike games it's that they're so easy and relaxing.
Perfect for cooling down after a hard work day.

You get home - after having to put up with incompetent and dumb bosses, annoying workmates, hostile customers - you boot up the computer and WHAM : suddenly you're peacefully being slaughtered to death and vaporized in hundreds of different ways. And whenever the final level is near, you die, because you opened the wrong casket or you starved to death.

What could be more relaxing than that?
For me its the progression aspect of roguelikes and sometimes to a roleplay.
avatar Our RPG Month is still in full swing and to keep the spirit of adventure alive, we're running a special Darkest Dungeon contest. Just enter by telling us what you like about roguelikes for a chance to win the game with all the DLCs and the official softcover art book!

You have time to join until September 27th, 3 PM UTC.
Replay value. Rogue games give you the dungeon crawling thrill you need and at the same time gives you many different ways to approach the challenges. Want to get all shooty with it? pew pew pew Want to get all stabby with it? stab stab stab. Want to get all magic with it? BOOM!
I like the fact that no two games are the same and how you must adapt to the varied circumstances.
My first roguelike was Moria. I loved it's everchanging dungeons, huge amount of different items and monsters, some common, some unique and many between them. From that on, I have played thousands of hours similar games... in 30 years.
avatar Our RPG Month is still in full swing and to keep the spirit of adventure alive, we're running a special Darkest Dungeon contest. Just enter by telling us what you like about roguelikes for a chance to win the game with all the DLCs and the official softcover art book!

You have time to join until September 27th, 3 PM UTC.
The thing that i like is the feeling of challenge to win the game as possible as minimum try. rogue like games make me feel like speedrun challenge.
What I love about the Rogue-Like is that, in addition to the procedural generation of the scenarios, they have to be divided into dungeons with a tile system, turn-based, with resource control and with permanent death in each game.
I like the fact that you can usually play in small chunks and go back to it. Plus a good rogue has a lot to discover, so there is good replayability.
avatar Our RPG Month is still in full swing and to keep the spirit of adventure alive, we're running a special Darkest Dungeon contest. Just enter by telling us what you like about roguelikes for a chance to win the game with all the DLCs and the official softcover art book!

You have time to join until September 27th, 3 PM UTC.
They take me back to those endless nights of Nethack and it's still hours until school of my youth... years have passed but the spirit carries on ;)
They are great because most of them are fun, have a lot of replay value, theres never a same run, and every new run you have to change your strategy and improve.