Posted December 23, 2014

echo e.lolfiu_fefiipieue|tr valueof_pi [0-9]
Registered: Aug 2013
From United States

anomalous matter
Registered: Nov 2009
From Switzerland

^^ Bobik ^^
Registered: Jan 2013
From Czech Republic
Posted December 23, 2014
I'm also in mood to buy Morrowind now. But have to postpone it till summer sale since my steam wallet isn't properly filled. Steam badges aren't sold well :)
Lucky for me, that openmw didn't reached 1.0 milestone yet ^^
Lucky for me, that openmw didn't reached 1.0 milestone yet ^^

New User
Registered: Jul 2013
From United States
Posted December 23, 2014
Keep in mind, most of what I write here are highly subjective opinions. Morrowind has its faults, but the world is much richer and more enjoyable to explore. There is just more...everything...more items, more skills, more spells, more variety. I feel that every iteration of the Elder Scrolls games have been "dumbed down." Objectively, there is simply less of everything. That being said, a lot of people believe what was removed was unnecessary filler..."streamlined" instead of "dumbed down." While I disagree, this is a perfectly valid view of the situation.
The combat is the same, which is to say floaty and dull with no real feeling of impact, but this is a "feature" of all Elder Scrolls games. I personally find the magic system in Morrowind far more useful than in the later games and Skyrim removed the ability to craft spells...a major negative. Morrowind also has no major annoyances (Ok...maybe Cliffracers) like Oblivion Gates and Dragons. Yep, I said dragons. Dragons in Skyrim are not neat, they are not fun...they are just an omnipresent pain in the arse.
Guilds, factions, and Houses in Morrowind have much more logical and enjoyable progression systems and offer more content overall. However, I do admit that though shorter and less realistic, faction progression / storylines are a bit more interesting and cohesive in Skyrim. The bottom line for me is that only Morrowind makes me feel like the choices I make actually matter. Many may disagree, but I find the world of Skyrim stale and static and believe me, the inclusion of a random fetch quest generator doesn't help.
Now the bad. In Morrowind you will be reading...a lot. Voice acting is not a thing in Morrowind and though interesting, there is enough text to make your eyes bleed. Additionally, the text may be interesting, but it's no Planescape: Torment. That game I will gladly read until my eyes fall out. Morrowind...not so much. Also, there are no floating or map quest markers in Morrowind and NPC directions can be...sketchy. Getting to the objectives of your quests can be problematic, a fact compounded by tripping over a slew of side quests along the way.
The bottom line is that I simply had more fun playing Morrowind than any of the other games. Take from that what you will, as I am kind of over open world games in general. The truth is that The Elder Scrolls series is at best stagnant and at worst regressing. Even when I was playing and enjoying them, I found them highly overrated by the gaming press. As games, these are better walking simulators than RPGs. There is nothing wrong with a good walking simulator, and I still love exploring the beautifully rendered world featured in these games, but on the whole the systems of the games are simply broken and / or uninteresting.
The combat is the same, which is to say floaty and dull with no real feeling of impact, but this is a "feature" of all Elder Scrolls games. I personally find the magic system in Morrowind far more useful than in the later games and Skyrim removed the ability to craft spells...a major negative. Morrowind also has no major annoyances (Ok...maybe Cliffracers) like Oblivion Gates and Dragons. Yep, I said dragons. Dragons in Skyrim are not neat, they are not fun...they are just an omnipresent pain in the arse.
Guilds, factions, and Houses in Morrowind have much more logical and enjoyable progression systems and offer more content overall. However, I do admit that though shorter and less realistic, faction progression / storylines are a bit more interesting and cohesive in Skyrim. The bottom line for me is that only Morrowind makes me feel like the choices I make actually matter. Many may disagree, but I find the world of Skyrim stale and static and believe me, the inclusion of a random fetch quest generator doesn't help.
Now the bad. In Morrowind you will be reading...a lot. Voice acting is not a thing in Morrowind and though interesting, there is enough text to make your eyes bleed. Additionally, the text may be interesting, but it's no Planescape: Torment. That game I will gladly read until my eyes fall out. Morrowind...not so much. Also, there are no floating or map quest markers in Morrowind and NPC directions can be...sketchy. Getting to the objectives of your quests can be problematic, a fact compounded by tripping over a slew of side quests along the way.
The bottom line is that I simply had more fun playing Morrowind than any of the other games. Take from that what you will, as I am kind of over open world games in general. The truth is that The Elder Scrolls series is at best stagnant and at worst regressing. Even when I was playing and enjoying them, I found them highly overrated by the gaming press. As games, these are better walking simulators than RPGs. There is nothing wrong with a good walking simulator, and I still love exploring the beautifully rendered world featured in these games, but on the whole the systems of the games are simply broken and / or uninteresting.

language geek
Registered: Jul 2014
From United States
Posted December 23, 2014
Yeah, I know how you feel. I now kind of want to fire up Daggerfall again (not a problem, as it's been installed and staring at me from my desktop for months). Still, I think I'd be over it again after half an hour of play -- or a crash or two, whichever came first.

Registered: Sep 2008
From Czech Republic

Asha uses all.
Registered: Jun 2013
From Russian Federation
Posted December 23, 2014

Skyrim has the best combat, best graphics and best stealth/archery by far.
Oblivion has the best... uh... hmm...
(On a more serious note: one of the few things I liked about Oblivion was the possibility to use FaceGen to make a face you liked and then import it into the game. And FaceGen could use portraits to make a 3D model. The feeling of travelling to hell(Oblivion) while wearing the face of Vlad Tepes, m-m-m!)

Bad Hair Day
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Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted December 23, 2014

Skyrim has the best combat, best graphics and best stealth/archery by far.
Oblivion has the best... uh... hmm...

(On a more serious note: one of the few things I liked about Oblivion was the possibility to use FaceGen to make a face you liked and then import it into the game. And FaceGen could use portraits to make a 3D model. The feeling of travelling to hell(Oblivion) while wearing the face of Vlad Tepes, m-m-m!)

Easily Bored
Registered: Oct 2010
From Netherlands
Posted December 23, 2014

i loath morrowind i gave it ample oppertunity but i usually end up getting bored or horrified by the rat muntant that are the npc's and go back to oblivion
but not burninanting ?!
i dont punch i burn or stab !

slit the bastards gizzard !

Skyrim has the best combat, best graphics and best stealth/archery by far.
Oblivion has the best... uh... hmm...

(On a more serious note: one of the few things I liked about Oblivion was the possibility to use FaceGen to make a face you liked and then import it into the game. And FaceGen could use portraits to make a 3D model. The feeling of travelling to hell(Oblivion) while wearing the face of Vlad Tepes, m-m-m!)
all kidding aside a fully modded oblivion that works and isnt about to fall apart at the seams is a thing of beauty
there are so many mods that transform the game its amazing
i have nearly 50 gig worth of mods on dvd's
and i generally install around 20 to 30 gig
Post edited December 23, 2014 by snowkatt

Asha uses all.
Registered: Jun 2013
From Russian Federation
Posted December 23, 2014

Now I know why you need Blue-ray discs to keep backups.
And let me tell you, that's some impressive modding here.

Easily Bored
Registered: Oct 2010
From Netherlands
Posted December 23, 2014

And let me tell you, that's some impressive modding here.
well i have a lot of mods for oblivion fallout 3 nv sims 2 vampire bloodlines
and more
not too mention audio files all my ripped cd's are another 40 gig

Asha uses all.
Registered: Jun 2013
From Russian Federation
Posted December 23, 2014

well i have a lot of mods for oblivion fallout 3 nv sims 2 vampire bloodlines
and more
not too mention audio files all my ripped cd's are another 40 gig
For Bloodlines I went with that unofficial patch that let you keep the ghoul (among other things) and the one that let it run on a x64 OS.
Never tried modding New Vegas and, shameful as it is, I have to confess I never played Sims 2.

Easily Bored
Registered: Oct 2010
From Netherlands
Posted December 23, 2014

well i have a lot of mods for oblivion fallout 3 nv sims 2 vampire bloodlines
and more
not too mention audio files all my ripped cd's are another 40 gig

For Bloodlines I went with that unofficial patch that let you keep the ghoul (among other things) and the one that let it run on a x64 OS.
Never tried modding New Vegas and, shameful as it is, I have to confess I never played Sims 2.
i have the ultimate edition on origin as well as almost all expansion packs
and its so moddable there are so many mods for it as well as easy to install
unpack drag to my document>ea games >sims 2 >downloads and thats it
for fallout 3 and nv i tend to use a custom radio station because hearing the same damn 50's songs over and over drive me crazy
for bloodline si mainly use smaller tweaks and skins
but even then its going up to 4 gig in mods as well as wa5p's unofficial mod

New User
Registered: Sep 2011
From Germany
Posted December 23, 2014
That's why people say morrowind is the best "elder scrolls" game:
and they are right.
and they are right.

Easily Bored
Registered: Oct 2010
From Netherlands
Posted December 24, 2014
im just gonan leave this here