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Good morning! Yes, I think it is but no formal treaty has been signed.
we should close the deal with some split up humble bundle keys... too soon??
xxxIndyxxx: we should close the deal with some split up humble bundle keys... too soon??
I think we can close it
Cardinal Quest (Desura) - This is my charity for who doesn't got this game :)

and i have %50 garry's mod coupon.

Post edited August 16, 2013 by lemuria
low rated
amok: When you penetrate the matter to the crux of it, and do not provide any smokescreens, there are two issues here:

1) HB kindly asks you to not break up a bundle.
2) GoG thinks breaking up a bundle is "unfair" and says "hog all keys"

That is the crux of it, and none of you address this at all. This has nothing to do about utilitarianism nor legalism
IAmSinistar: I confess I am not surprised by your response, but still sorry to see it thus. I am also sorry that you think my attempt at elucidation was instead obfuscation, and that I somehow seem incapable of addressing the core issue. I have done so, however at odds it is with your philosophy and your inability to entertain any course of reason that does not parallel your own. You in turn fail to address why me spending $5 on 5 bundles and giving them away is perfectly fine, but spending $5 on one bundle and giving pieces of it away is criminal. Apart, of course, from your argument of "because it says so", which is one that ceases to carry weight after about the age of 3.

If the limits of your argument, and thus your chain of reason, is predicated entirely on "it is stated this way in writing here, therefore it must be so", then there is little I can do to show you my own logic, because by your dicta it will be inescapably in error unless it dovetails entirely with your own. It is this kind of surity that makes debate with the zealot and the literalist equally fruitless.

Lastly, you yourself say that "HB asks" and "GoG thinks", neither of which are indicators of unbreakable rules, but rather take the form of requests. I am free to ignore such requests when they conflict with my ethos, without violating any actual rules. Naturally I do my best to honour reasonable requests, but I do not find the discarding of fallow resources a reasonable request. So your problem with me, and those like me, is reduced to that of either a public scold or a bitter defender, angry because others merely do not make the same choices you do.

I sincerely hope you take the time to read my words and understand them this time, rather than look for some fragment of mis-context that you can then use to simply rehash your same argument against. Because I will not engage you again like this otherwise, for reasoned discourse requires parties to be engaged in good faith on both sides.
Well done swallowing a word book, I like how you earlier accused others for "obfuscating" the issue :)

Off course no rules are unbreakable, rules are broken every day. People speed, pirate games, jailwalk, lie, cheat and so on every second of the day. It is really not an excuse. If you do not like a rule, it is always my belief you try to change it, not blatantly abuse it.

You do not like how HB does things? Stop buying from them, contact them and make them see "sense" in the same way as Groupees and Indie Gala. Vote with your valet and try to change the system. Why do you need to be dishonest and disrespectful towards them?

And still, this issue is also unresolved - GOG asks you to not do these giveaways. You say "Screw you GOG" , and make the giveaway. This is very disrespectful. If you cared an iota of GoG's core ideology - you would not do this here. I still can not understand how someone has the cheek to do this. This is, after all, GoG's own forum, one of the few places out there trying to prove that customers are decent and can be trusted. I guess GOG got this wrong *sigh*

"When in rome - I do what I bloody well like to"?

Edit 2- major edit of post :)
Post edited August 16, 2013 by amok
if i may add add something usefull to end this "war"

during the Deep Silver HB , i sent them an e-mail about there were only one key per tier : and thus those keys redeemed could lead some games 'lost" since i had 2 games in the bundle. And i just written those lost games could have been given to some players which can't afford the bundle.

They answered by : i could gift the bundle / and they were aware of the problem ; and i should consider the bundle as mine ...well all what's is written in their FAQ.

My point , is they are very well aware some keys are given away, and their rules are just a "wish" (sorry i can't find another word). So i think all this drama wasn't necessary.
lemuria: Cardinal Quest (Desura) - This is my charity for who doesn't got this game :)

and i have %50 garry's mod coupon.

nabbed VTJ code, thanks :)

amok: Well done swallowing a word book :)
It's called a dictionary :P (just teasing, no clue what you guys are talking about. Just saw that line and thought to tease xD )
Post edited August 16, 2013 by Giltonnam
Its all about , don't share keys. They just push to everyone to buy more bundle. Is it really for charity or selling more bundle ? Please be real, when you buy shoe, is seller said you "only you can wear this shoe if anyone wear this shoe except you, you will be guilty " ?
lemuria: Cardinal Quest (Desura) - This is my charity for who doesn't got this game :)

and i have %50 garry's mod coupon.

Giltonnam: nabbed VTJ code, thanks :)

amok: Well done swallowing a word book :)
Giltonnam: It's called a dictionary :P (just teasing, no clue what you guys are talking about. Just saw that line and thought to tease xD )
I think we're the only ones who don't call it a word book. Another example would be German. Wörterbuch.
amok: No rules are unbreakable, you are again clouding the main issue:

1) HB asks you kindly to not break up a bundle when you buy it. You buy it. You then say "Screw you HB!". This is dishonest and disrespecting. If you do not like HB's way of doing things - don't go into this agreement.

2) GOG asks you to not do these giveaways. You say "Screw you GOG" , and make the giveaway. This is disrespectful. If you cared an iota of GoG's core ideology - you would not do this here.

Do you really not think that you should follow what people are telling you when you are visiting a place? I still can not understand how someone has the cheek to do so. This is, after all, GoG's own forum, one of the few places out there trying to prove that people are not like you - that a customer is decent and can be trusted. I guess GOG got this wrong *sigh*

"When in rome - I do what I bloody well like to"
The problem you seem to miss is that it is not a "rule" just a request hidden on a obscure FAQ page, not linked in anyway from the Purchase page directly, or the ToS or the redeem/download page. and I doubt that 0.5% of people buying from HB will ever read it, if it was as earth shattering as you make it out to be they would have linked to it. And the First Sale Doctrine trumps it and make it moot. When I buy it it becomes my property, I can use it as I see fit, as long as I don't break the law, both copyright and piracy.

I understand that giving a code away and keeping the DRM-free version for yourself is breaking quite a few laws, and is akin to Piracy, but the last few bundles very few came with DRM-free versions. The current Origin bundle has two keys, and giving away the Origin key and keeping the Steam key is also akin to piracy. But giving both the Steam and Origin key to the same person, or giving Battlefield 3 Origin key away isn't.

amok: If you do not like HB's way of doing things - don't go into this agreement
it's nowhere written in any agreement one makes witjh HB when you buy a bundle, the only thing prohibited by the Agreement you make with Humble is and I quote their TOS:
Once you make a purchase, you should receive a unique download page. You shall not, directly or indirectly, disclose the unique URL for your download page to anyone else or use anyone else's download page.
I fail to see, where it's as big an issue as you are making it out to be. and reading your responses clearly show that your not reading what others say, and regurgitating the same things over and over, even when shown that your position isn't a feasible one
"I will choose the truth I like."
nightrunner227: I think we're the only ones who don't call it a word book. Another example would be German. Wörterbuch.
Dawww, had to ruin it for me didn't you? :'( :P
Humble Bundle used to give out a single Steam key for the entire bundle, right? Why don't they do that anymore? Would save everyone a lot of trouble/arguing.
NameGoo: Humble Bundle used to give out a single Steam key for the entire bundle, right? Why don't they do that anymore? Would save everyone a lot of trouble/arguing.
I think it always depends on the publishers they are dealing with.
NameGoo: Humble Bundle used to give out a single Steam key for the entire bundle, right? Why don't they do that anymore? Would save everyone a lot of trouble/arguing.
niniendowarrior: I think it always depends on the publishers they are dealing with.
Hmm, makes sense. I thought they were just giving in to everyone who complained about the bundles being...well, bundled.
Post edited August 16, 2013 by NameGoo