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Feel free to vent since you have nothing else to do now that you are wide awake an hour before you need to be. :D
Isn't this like a week late? And I find it a lot easier to adapt to "winter time" (this) than to daylight savings time (summer time).
It's the exact opposite with me. What I hate is the day being an hour shorter. As if it wasn't short enough already in winter. It's not even five o'clock when it gets dark. Fuck that.
Post edited November 06, 2016 by Breja
Fun fact: Since last year, Turkey decided they wouldn't use daylight saving anymore -because "THIS IS TURKEY!!!". And thus this year, the conquered by the Turkish northern part of Cyprus hasn't switched while the south Greek part has, and if someone goes up North (because the borders are opened since 2004) they'll have to switch their clocks... An unrelated note: The idiotic cypriot politicians who think they can "solve" the "problem" by forcing us to live with these wolves said on FB and Twitter "we are divided by time, but united by hope" -what hope? that we'll be conquered by them once again? For frigs sake!

edit-sorry for the (perhaps unwanted) political note -just wanted to show how even a simple thing as time can be manipulated for political idiocies... I did vent though...
Post edited November 06, 2016 by Treasure
Breja: It's the exact opposite with me. What I hate is the day being an hour shorter. As if it wasn't short enough already in winter.
You are in the majority here, and in a few days I'll be grateful for the extra hour too. Right now I'm just bitching about the change period. I get into a routine and it kind of fucks everything up.

Again, these are all 1st World Problems and I don't want anyone in this thread taking it too seriously. :P
i hat it to! grrr... >:(
MightyPinecone: Isn't this like a week late?
Last Sunday in October for some, First Sunday in November for others, some other random day for the rest.
For reference.
Not a fan, and would prefer to keep the "later" hours.

Got a dog who stirs when it gets light outside, and tells us it's time to go outside by making this "uhWEEEEEE"
yawn about every minute or so until we drag ourselves out of bed. Doesn't matter much during the week but on the weekend...

Among other reasons that also probably seem petty in the great scheme of things.
MightyPinecone: Isn't this like a week late?
Crackpot.756: Last Sunday in October for some, First Sunday in November for others, some other random day for the rest.
For reference.
Ok, that would explain it. Seems to largely be a European vs North American thing.
Treasure: Fun fact: Since last year, Turkey decided they wouldn't use daylight saving anymore -because "THIS IS TURKEY!!!". And thus this year, the conquered by the Turkish northern part of Cyprus hasn't switched while the south Greek part has, and if someone goes up North (because the borders are opened since 2004) they'll have to switch their clocks...
I feel a bit sorry for finding this awesome.

I think that daylight saving policies should be decided at a municipal level.
I go back and forth about it. I do *hate* that it gets so dark so depressingly early. Nothing like the sun gone by 4:30 PM. Plus I like to grill even in winter and it's a pain in the ass doing that in pitch black LOL. Sure I can turn on the spotlight but it never quite cuts it. I'm either using a flashlight or keeping the grill closer to the house than I'd like. Oddly enough, I enjoy late fall / early winter grill nights more than the traditional summer time.
HereForTheBeer: Got a dog who stirs when it gets light outside, and tells us it's time to go outside by making this "uhWEEEEEE"
yawn about every minute or so until we drag ourselves out of bed
LOL so funny. I know EXACTLY what this yawn sounds like! Do the eyes slightly squint and the head vibrate just so as well?
The time we're using in the summer is actually not natural for us humans, and my gf and I, and most others I know of, "feels" that the normal time is more natural.

I vote for removing of this unhealthy custom, as it is stressful to our biological clock and about 60% of the worlds counties don't use summer time. (also, defining time in UTC should be mandatory)

One time to rule us all!

PS: How can standard time be one hour shorter?!?
Post edited November 06, 2016 by sanscript
HereForTheBeer: Got a dog who stirs when it gets light outside, and tells us it's time to go outside by making this "uhWEEEEEE"
yawn about every minute or so until we drag ourselves out of bed
Ixamyakxim: LOL so funny. I know EXACTLY what this yawn sounds like! Do the eyes slightly squint and the head vibrate just so as well?
She gets this real sincere and earnest look to her, and prances around. Ya know, like she REALLY needs to do her business. And then takes her sweet time about it once we're outside. Not like Annie in my avatar.
img_0454.jpg (239 Kb)
HereForTheBeer: She gets this real sincere and earnest look to her, and prances around.
She doesn't look very sincere in that picture. Border Collie?
HereForTheBeer: She gets this real sincere and earnest look to her, and prances around.
Crackpot.756: She doesn't look very sincere in that picture. Border Collie?
Yes, mixed with Great Pyrenees. Weird combo. 85 pound herding / watch dog. But super-sweet. Just wish she'd sleep in, hence the dislike for DST.